Miscommunication Case Study

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Case Study
The definition of miscommunication is a failure to get a message across or lack of communication. For example, when you leave a message for someone and it does not get recorded properly, they will receive the wrong information. Some factors that causes miscommunication is misinterpretation of information, communication technique, and lack of listening. For instance, when employees misinterpret instructions, they will be confused since the information is not detailed. “Working through the problem ensures optimal learning about the problem itself” (Dean & Shepard, p. 192, 2017). Communication technique is critical since people present information differently. For example, if an employee tends to include unnecessary details …show more content…

Regardless of our difference, it is important to communicate effectively and work together to maintain a healthy environment. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely can create a culture, where everybody is respectful of each other. When information is circulating around the organization, monitoring the situation is critical to avoid miscommunication. “If we did not know how to work with these differences, we could make very negative assumptions about each other” (Markova & McArthur, p. 54, 2017). This means that miscommunication can lead to employee conflict since there was a misunderstanding of what was said or heard. When this occurs in certain cases, neither side is aware of the problem until it is brought to their attention. Any kind of misunderstanding can create a negative environment that will affect work productivity. Once miscommunication happens, employees may become disgruntled and produce less, which can lead to low job morale. When low job morale occurs, organizations can become a revolving door for workers to seek employment …show more content…

Providing these workshops for employees can enable them to learn and utilize certain strategies and techniques to avoid miscommunication. One method to combat miscommunication is get both parties into a room and clarify the issues. “When you feel that you and the other person are on the same page and have cleared up any misunderstandings, you can define the problem” (Evenson, p. 216, 2014). Since there are two sides to a story, it is important get both parties perspective on the issue. Defining the problem and clarifying the issues means that both parties can reach a resolution in harmony. When the issues are clarified in a thorough manner, this can lead to good communication and efficiency in the workplace. Another method to combat miscommunication is practice active listening. The ability of active listening includes paying attention to what another person is saying and repeating back what you heard. It is important to concentrate on the conversation and avoid distractions so there are no

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