Miscommunication In The Joy Luck Club And Drowning

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Miscommunication is a struggle that lives within the world everyday. Being able to understand what another person is trying to convey is an essential part of the way humans interact with one another. When a message is not translated correctly from person to person conflict arises and heated battles rage within a relationship; whether it is a mother and daughter, or two quarreling lovers, or strangers upon the street. All humans are created differently, with diverse upbringings, perspectives, and mindsets. Particular forms of communications may mean different things to various people. When talking about the concept of miscommunications, one must also address the concept of communication itself. Emotions and communication go hand in hand. That …show more content…

Whenever an immigrant must first learn English when coming to America, it is always a challenge. This is due to the fact that English is one of the hardest languages to learn, especially in the verbal sense. The term “Broken English” strives from the lack of certain placement and filler words within the language. For example, instead of saying “Let us not waste money that way” immigrants will say “Not waste money that way” (Tan). Tan, who is the famous author of The Joy Luck Club and Saving Fish from Drowning, and whose mother was a Chinese immigrant, never liked the term “Broken English” since it has a negative context or seems unwholesome. When referring to “Broken English” and the heavy accents that come from the immigrant's native country, native English speakers claim to never understand what the other person is saying. As a child, Tan had to pretend to be her own mother to speak to formal officials; such as, stock brokers and advisers. This is because they claimed that they could not understand a single word of English she spoke (Tan). Not being able to understand what another person is trying to say is a direct form of

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