Math 0235 Reflection

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This past semester I was overly ambitious to a fault, and ended up taking a class that I was not prepared for. This course, Math 0235, is the Honors College advanced course that teaches Calculus 1 and 2, done in proofs. In high school, I took Calculus 1 so I thought I would be prepared for this class, but I was a little in over my head to say the least. While I believe I should have dropped/withdrawn from the class as that would have significantly helped my GPA, I do not regret taking the course as it taught me a lot and I thoroughly enjoyed learning the topic. My final grade in Math 0235 was a C+, which may look low but was a shining victory as I went from failing the first exam to getting a B+ on the last one (four points shy from an A). Despite having such a low final grade, I am happy to have taken the class and learned all that I did, and to see myself prevail in such a way that there was such a large difference has really inspired me for future …show more content…

These are the skills that I am actively carrying over into the second semester, and have been applying since before the semester began. During winter break, I spoke to friends who had taken some of the classes that I am currently enrolled in and asked for what chapters they focused on in order to gain a head start even before classes begun and to be familiar with the material. Compared to last semester, my goal for this term is to be ready for exams at least a week before the exam is taken, rather than just days. To do this, I have been dedicating more time to studying than last semester, and am also attending more TA/UTU help sessions as well as office hours with my professors for further

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