Physics Essays

  • Physics

    2032 Words  | 5 Pages

    Physics You can find a law of physics in everything that you do. It does not matter if you are doing complex scientific experiments, working as a laborer in a field, or enjoying your favorite pastime, you are involved in putting the laws of physics to work. I will try to demonstrate this as I discuss the laws of physics that are involved in my favorite pastime, which is steer wrestling. The art of steer wrestling is complex and simple all at the same time. To start, let’s define what exactly

  • Women in Physics

    2049 Words  | 5 Pages

    English astronomer Jocelyn Bell, who discovered pulsars, would also be denied a share in the Nobel that went only to her (male) supervisor. Reports in the past showed that the highest percentages of women among students awarded a doctorate in physics are 20 to 27 percent ( India, Australia, Poland and France) and the lowest percentages are 8-9 percent (Japan, South Korea, Netherlands and Germany). An international survey of around 900 women physicists in more than 50 countries found that the

  • The Physics of Swinging

    1432 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Physics of Swinging My son begs to watch me swing on one of the swing sets at the park. I tell him that there is so much work involved and I don’t know if I have the energy to do all of the many things it takes to make a swing move. It’s such an innocent plea, but complicated in the terms of the actual process of it. The physics of swinging has so many components. From resonance to force, and from the period of the swing to the conversion of energy, the process of swinging is actually a

  • Physics of Pool

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    Physics is the science that allows us to understand the fundamental behaviors of the universe. It can be explored at the macroscopic and microscopic levels, giving insight into the way objects interact. Here we will take a look at how physics can be applied to the game of pool. Almost all of the different aspects of pool can be explained through physics, and a better understanding of these fundemental principles can aid in performance playing pool. In the game of pool there

  • The Physics of Archery

    2026 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Physics of Archery There are not many activities out there that relax and soothe me quite like shooting my bow. It is not as simple as it sounds though, just pulling on the string, releasing the string, and watching the arrow fly towards your target. There are a number of aspects that must be taken into consideration when trying to shoot a bow and arrow efficiently, this is where we will get into the physics of archery. There are two main things to consider when looking at archery and

  • Physics

    606 Words  | 2 Pages

    Physics 1. a) radiation~ The spontaneous decay or disintegration of an unstable atomic nucleus accompanied by the emission of radiation. b) nuclear energy~ Energy released when atomic nuclei undergo a nuclear reaction such as the spontaneous emission of radioactivity, nuclear fission, or nuclear fusion. c) background radiation~ relatively constant low-level radiation from environmental sources such as building materials, cosmic rays, and ingested radionucleides in the body. d) nuclear fission~

  • Physics of the Ear

    1524 Words  | 4 Pages

    Physics of the Ear The ear is an extraordinary human organ that many people take for granted until it doesn’t function. It is the only device that allows the human to hear sounds in their environment. The ear is made up of many parts that distinguish various sounds through different means. The ear anatomy and physiology along with how sound waves are transmitted into meaningful sounds will help one understand how hearing loss occurs. The ear is made up of three areas: the outer, middle, and

  • The Physics of Basketball

    1941 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Physics of Basketball There are many aspects to the game of basketball and physics can be applied to all of them. Although to be good at basketball it is not necessary to play it from a physics point of view. Basketball players become good by developing muscle memory for the actions that must be performed in the game of basketball from years of practice. Nevertheless knowing some of the physics in the game of basketball can help a good player be a better player. In this paper I will cover

  • Mathematical Physics

    1224 Words  | 3 Pages

    regarding the advent of Mathematical Physics vary just as how the dates concerning the advent of Mathematics and Physics vary from person to person and from tale to tale. There is an account which says that the methods of Mathematical Physics as a theory of mathematical model in Physics can be traced in the works of Newton and his contemporaries such as Lagrange, Euler, Laplace, Gauss and others who contributed in the advancement of methods of Mathematical Physics. However, there is a version especially

  • Physics of Fishing

    910 Words  | 2 Pages

    Fishing contains a wide variety of physics. when you cast you are using projectile motion and rotational motion. when you hook a fish it will often use the drag from the current agenst you. Immagine draging a fish through a swift current. You deal with the tention of your line, and the friction of the line through the guides. you also deal with friction when you use a drag. Reels One of the key components of your fishing gear is the reel.

  • The Physics of Judo

    934 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Physics of Judo Judo is a martial art that is centered around physics. Even just the concept of throwing somebody is physics. To practice judo and not have a basic knowledge of physics is insane considering that physics is what makes judo possible. Judo is sport that consist of throws, take downs and over all control. Judo without physics is like have a sandwich with just bread, you don’t get much out of it. To understand how physics comes into play with judo we must start with Newton’s

  • The Physics of Scales

    1176 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Physics of Scales To the dismay of some and a necessity for others, scales can be found about everywhere in today’s society. It never fails; if you go to the doctor you will step on the scale. They are at the grocery store, in most bathrooms and even in some of our favorite stores. Were we might even pay a quarter to have a machine tell us our weight, out loud. We as a society are obsessed with our weight. You’re asked for your weight when renewing your driver’s license. Every time you get

  • The Physics of a Toilet

    1532 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Physics of a Toilet Almost everyone in America has used, is using at this very moment or will use a flushable, indoor toilet. Their privacy, and in some cases cleanliness, are taken for granted day by day. The basic physics of siphoning, and the right amount of water, makes the toilet operate in our desired fashion. This has been the concept of toilets for over 200 years. Some questions do come to mind when witnessing this event; how does the water and waste get sucked out of the toilet

  • History of Physics

    1319 Words  | 3 Pages

    History of Physics Physics began when man first started to study his surroundings. Early applications of physics include the invention of the wheel and of primitive weapons. The people who built Stone Henge had knowledge of physical mechanics in order to move the rocks and place them on top of each other. It was not until during the period of Greek culture that the first systematic treatment of physics started with the use of mechanics. Thales is often said to have been the first scientist,

  • Boat Physics

    1421 Words  | 3 Pages

    could proudly speed through the water to make a safe delivery is not easy work. The boat that was created in physics was not made in one day. Though it took a while and hard work the results were more than satisfactory because of things that were done to improve it. It seemed trial and error really was the key to making a good boat. That and physics, lots and lots of physics. These physics contributions involved are using the right supplies, having the correct sized propeller,using a rutter, shaping

  • The History of Physics

    1533 Words  | 4 Pages

    The History of Physics In order to attempt to trace the origins of the modern science that we now refer to as “physics,” we must begin with the origin of the term itself. Taken from the Greek word “physika” meaning growth or nature, physics most obviously began as the intelligent study of the human environment (Webster 393). From superstition and religious practices, the foundation of all other sciences was born. These concepts have subsequently grown into what we regard today

  • The Physics of Pitching

    1278 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Physics of Pitching I remember one time going out to the mound to talk with Bob Gibson. He told me to get back behind the batter, that the only thing I knew about pitching was it was hard to hit. ... Tim McCarver, St. Louis Cardinals catcher, 1972. Most people do not understand pitching, the mechanics, the situations and the how’s and why’s. Today we are going to talk about a few of these. When most people think of pitching they think of a person hurling a 5 oz. ball with 216 red stitches

  • The Physics of Boomerangs

    1390 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Physics of Boomerangs The successful flight of a boomerang looks as though it never should happen. Its more or less circular flight path comes from the interaction of two physical phenomena: the aerodynamic lift of the arms of the boomerang and the spinning boomerang’s maintenance of angular momentum. Briefly put, the airfoil at the boomerang’s forward rotating edge provides more lift than its rearward rotating edge. This elevates one side of the boomerang. The spinning object maintains angular

  • Physics in Sports

    1447 Words  | 3 Pages

    Physics in Sports When many people think of sports, the topic of physics doesn't always come to mind. They usually don't think about connecting athletics with academics. In reality math, science, and especially physics, tie into every aspect of sports. Sports are a commonality that brings nations together, Soccer, known as football to most of the world, is said to an unspoken language, which unties people from different lands through a passion to play a game. Athletics and sports are made by the

  • Physics of Dipnetting

    772 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Physics of Dip Netting Introduction to Dip Netting Dip netting for salmon in the Copper River is a lot of fun but is also a lot of work.� During the summer months salmon will leave their home in the ocean and travel upstream in the Copper River to spawn in its many tributaries.� Near the small town of Chitna the Copper River flows through a narrow canyon which greatly increases the speed of the river.� This makes it harder for the salmon to swim upstream.� However the canyon also creates