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Hooke's law
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The Physics of Scales
To the dismay of some and a necessity for others, scales can be found about everywhere in today’s society. It never fails; if you go to the doctor you will step on the scale. They are at the grocery store, in most bathrooms and even in some of our favorite stores. Were we might even pay a quarter to have a machine tell us our weight, out loud. We as a society are obsessed with our weight. You’re asked for your weight when renewing your driver’s license. Every time you get in an elevator and see the little sign saying do not exceed *** lbs, the quarter-pounder with cheese and milkshake you ate for lunch, is brought back to your memory. A scale receives more mental and physical abuse than any other appliance that has ever been invented. All this abuse stems from a lesson each of use were taught at a young age, which is that we should always tell the truth. Well let’s look a little deeper into the scale and see the physics involved in how two different types’ of scales weigh objects.
There are two general kinds of scales. The first is a spring scale and the other type uses a load cell to electronically register a weight. Spring scales are the most common type of scale. The scale in your bathroom and those found in the produce department of your favorite grocery store are examples of spring scales.
This summer when you go to weigh that fat juicy watermelon, think about the mechanics of how the scale works. The basket is attached to a spring that stretches in response to the weight of the melon or other objects placed in it. The weight of the melon creates a downward force. This causes the spring to stretch and increase its upward force, which equalizes the difference between the two forces. As the spring is stretched, a dial calibrated to the spring registers a weight. When designing scales one needs to take into account that every spring has a different spring constant (k). Bloomfield (1997) defines k as “a measure of the spring’s stiffness. The larger the spring constant-that is, the stiffer the spring-the larger the restoring forces the spring exerts” (p. 82).
In analyzing the force associated with a certain spring, whether it is in you pen or under your truck, Hooke’s Law applies.
Every morning as I start my day, I am obligated to step on the scale and weigh myself whether I want to or not. Reason being, I must ensure that I am not accumulating fluid from congestive heart failure. There are days where I can gain anywhere from five to ten pounds, if I am uncareful, in turn that takes a toll on my self-image regarding my weight even though it is fluid weight. Growing up, I never had major issues regarding my weight. I was active in sports, clubs and always outdoors. It was not until after I had a child, that I began having major issues and had to do a life style change to save my life.
Acknowledgements: Slides of dead fish courtesy of OKDEQ. We would like to thank our students Trevor Nance Jr, and Matt Ward for their help in the laboratory sample preparations. We would also like to thank OKDEQ (Chris Armstrong) and EPA Region 6 (Rick McMillin) for their patience.
This timeless phrase, the Second Amendment of the United States’ Constitution, is an enduring example of the principles and ideals that our country was founded on. With this statement, the founders of this country explicitly and perpetually guaranteed the American individual the right to keep and bear arms. An incomparably crucial element of this country‘s origins, the Second Amendment and the rights it guarantees have proved vital to the growth and success of our nation.
Arsenic is the 20th most common element in the earth’s crust and can be found naturally in our environment. There is around 0.006 to 0.03 ppm or arsenic distributed in seawater, and 20 ppm of arsenic in soil (before pesticides). Every human will ingest about 0.5 to 1 mg of arsenic in a day from food and water, because arsenic is present in higher quantities in se...
Today the Second Amendment is in the media more and more due to the recent up rise in crimes with firearms. Every person seems to have an opinion on whether our Second Amendment should be removed or it should not ever be touched. “A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunitions to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include the government.” (George Washington) The Second Amendment of the constitution reads "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Today the actual meaning of the second amendment is still not fully clear. If you were to ask multiple people the definition of the second amendment, you would receive a different one from each person. Also, you would be able to determine whether they are pro or anti-gun
When our forefathers sat down to write the bill of rights they made ten basic rules or freedoms that all Americans are entitled to. For hundreds of years no one has questioned any of those freedoms, that is until recent years. The second amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms. The purpose of this amendment is to be able to form a militia in order to be able to overthrow a repressive government. In recent years the availability and number of guns in the United States has increased. With the media tracking and recording violence, some Americans have begun to question the 2nd amendment’s relevance.
Fig. 6 © HowStuffWorks 2002. How Seatbelts Work [online]. Available at: http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/seatbelt-spring.gif [Accessed 17th November 2012
The Bill of Rights contains the first ten amendments we reserve as citizens of the United States. Within the Bill of Rights there are things such as freedom of speech, press, religion, and protection from excessive bail. The second amendment gives us the right to own and carry guns, it states, “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Our Founding Fathers made sure that our individual freedoms were secure, and our country was to always be democratic in the decisions made. United States citizens reserve the right to bear arms because it was made an amendment by the original government. Although as of late there has been serious issues with violence due to a firearm, it is our reserved freedom
Have you checked your weight today? That’s what we all hear while in the mall or walking near a restroom. A lady speaking those words on a scale where most people continue walking because they’re afraid of the TRUTH. We all have avoid stepping on the scale due to seeing a change in our weight, especially women. Despite, we should face our fears and try to figure out what can we do to change things. Our health is one of the most important things in life. It is a must that we maintain it on a daily basis so that we can live the long, happy, healthy lives that we all deserve. But in reality, we do not take all precautions as we should to survive. As each day pass, I see numerous amount of people who are overweight or obese of all race, age and sex.
In an interview with the Peterson Institute, Rodrik claims he is trying to create “a new narrative to shape the next stage of globalization, and to address the imbalance between the national scope of governments and the global nature of markets”, in many ways, this book does just that. As previously stated, Rodrik has diagnosed a “Political Trilemma of the World Economy”. The first point is that of Hyperglobalization, which is the ambitious agenda of “economic liberalization and deep integration” (17). In other words, it is a rapid and w...
Krabbenhoft, D.P. and D.A. Rickert. Mercury Contamination of Aquatic Ecosystems. [Online] Available http://wwwdwimdn.er.usgs.gov/pubs/FS-216-95/index.html, October 27, 1998.
When the water comes into contact with the pyrite, the chemical reactions that take place causes the water to increase in pH which will dissolve heavy metals which stay in solution. However, when the pH levels reach a certain stage, the iron can then precipitate out, coating sediments with the characteristic yellow, red or orange colourings (D.E.P. 2, 2002; U.S.G.S.; U.S.E.P.A., 2002). The rate that A.M.D. advances is also influenced by the presence of certain bacteria (Doyle; U.S.G.S). A.M.D that has dissolved heavy metals such as copper, lead and mercury can contaminate ground and surface water. Especially at risk are mines that are located above the water table (Keller, 2000; D.E.P. 2, 2002). The sources of water that get polluted can be surface water that permeates into the mine, shallow ground water flowing through the mine or any water that comes into contact with the waste tailings produced by mines.
Law two can be used to calculate “the relationship between an objects mass (m), its acceleration (a), and the applied force (f) is F= ma.” This formula is used in all of the above components in the car.
Stress can hasten brain loss involving memory, learning, and executive functions. It prompts the release of hormones that can damage brain cells and weaken memory. We may not totally remove all stressors in our daily life but learning how to manage it can help a lot. Meditation is one of the best way to combat stress. It promotes the growth of several brain regions associated with attention and executive functions. Other stress relievers include aerobic exercise, listening to mellow music, and writing a journal.