Have you checked your weight today? That’s what we all hear while in the mall or walking near a restroom. A lady speaking those words on a scale where most people continue walking because they’re afraid of the TRUTH. We all have avoid stepping on the scale due to seeing a change in our weight, especially women. Despite, we should face our fears and try to figure out what can we do to change things. Our health is one of the most important things in life. It is a must that we maintain it on a daily basis so that we can live the long, happy, healthy lives that we all deserve. But in reality, we do not take all precautions as we should to survive. As each day pass, I see numerous amount of people who are overweight or obese of all race, age and sex. …show more content…
Losing weight is very challenging and can be extremely difficult at times.
I personal know this because I am consider obese as well. I am learning to live a healthier lifestyle now while I’m young so that I can lower my risk of cancers and diseases associated with obesity to live longer for my son. Obesity is a health epidemic that is affecting all of us, all around the world, especially the state of Mississippi. In the state of Mississippi, it is ranked second in the nation. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems(Wikipedia 2015). People are considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, exceeds 30 kg/m2(Wikipedia 2015). Obesity is an important topic to research because our health is at risk for many diseases and health related problems as well as our children. As a whole, understanding the causes and history behind this disease can guide us to treatment and prevention for all of
It is natural for a society to be concerned for the future generations. With the rate of obesity growing in adults and children, many begin to see it as an issue that needs to be addressed. New reports show “ childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years” (cdc.gov). Overweight and obese are not actually the same. Overweight is defined as “having excess body weight for a particular height from fat,” and obesity is defined as “having excess body fat” (cdc.gov). With obesity comes the chance for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Both can be
Obesity is a serious epidemic that majority of Americans face. The dangerous of obesity should not be taken lightly and addressed admittedly. However, the big question is how or why do some individuals stay skinny or become fat. The movie Weight of The Nations, Part 2: choice helps us explore this unanswered question to give us a better understanding of how this problem has gotten so out of control. This movie targets the obese society in America. This documentary uses scientist to research and address techniques to help people prevent weight gain and loss unhealthy weight. Most Americans want quick fixes to this problem, but have to realize big changes take time, but offer big results. Over all, the idea is to get people motivated by positive results to live a healthier live style.
Obesity in the United States continues growing alarmingly. Approximately 66 % of adults and 33 % of children and teenagers in the US are overweight. Obesity is the result of fat accumulated over time due to the lack of a balanced diet and exercise. An adult with a BMI (body mass index) higher than thirty percent is considered obese (Whitney & Rolfes, 2011, pg. 271).
The American Medical Association (AMA) has declared obesity a disease. Obesity means that an individual has too much body weight that could possibly cause a health risk. Having a body-mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher makes an individual morbidly obese. A healthy BMI would be from 20 to 24.9. The United States has one of the highest obesity rates in the world with an estimated of 36% of American adults suffering from it. It is important to not label obesity as a disease because it leads 78 million adults and 12 million children in America into feeling helpless, and takes them away from believing it’s importance as a condition that is the result of eating too much and living sedentary lifestyles.
Are you tired of going to the gym and instead feel like working out at home?
I. Introduction: You’ve probably heard it a million times that obesity is an issue on the rise in America. Well, why if everyone knows that it is a problem is nothing being done to fix it? I’m here to propose a solution to this problem affecting over a third of the adult American Population.
Have you ever had those moments where you are feeling unmotivated or zero energy to workout? I will be the first to tell you I have had these moments. Being involved in the fitness world, I love every aspect of fitness. For the past 5 years, I was working out 5 days a week and had my ups and downs with results. I am guilty of it, I would pick up a workout magazine and try out this crazy workout and just destroy my body. Sure, I saw some results but I was becoming more and more tired throughout the day. On top of that, I was only getting 5 hours of sleep and not eating appropriately to refuel my body. I know stupid right? I am human and I am not perfect!
When promoting plus sizes and television shows, are self-esteem or heart disease also being promoted? People throughout the world struggle with being anorexic, bulimic, overweight, or obese. TLC’s now popular reality TV show, My 600 Pound Life, displays the daily struggles of morbidly obese people. While encouraging women to love their body is appealing, there are many dangers in the fondness of obesity. Glorifying obesity can lead to being morbidly unhealthy, as demonstrated by Dominique Lanoise, a woman who died from morbid obesity.
through out your busy day. There is still no excuse why you can 't have 10
Credibility Statement: Just like you, I am a college student. I too have to live with
There are many debates on whether or not dieting is good for you, I’m here to tell you that the right kind of dieting can only give you positive results. Maintaining healthy eating habits is an important part of your everyday lifestyle. Dieting can result in more than just losing weight it can improve your health overall. By improving your health, you will have more money and the result in having bad eating habits, you will have a higher risk with diabetes, heart disease, etc., which means you will need to pay more out of pocket fees that can be prevented. By being healthy you will prevent hospitals and your family will not have to plan your funeral anytime soon reducing suffering. There are many long term effects by eating healthy. Now we
In the United States over seventy percent of adults are considered to be overweight. Maintain a healthy weight. "Determine whether you are overweight by checking your body mass index. If you are overweight, it can lead to a higher risk of chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and certain cancers."(How) Although the price of a burger is going down the prices of salads goes up. The fast food industry grows daily so while more jobs are being provided more and more people die from a heart attack. "Often a result of unhealthy eating habits and increased weight gain. Dietary habits established in childhood often carry into adulthood" (The importance) As a culture we know that cheating is wrong so why do we cheat our diets or our work outs. We often make new year resolutions but often give up shortly a couple days later, why? To achieve a healthy lifestyle all you have to do is look at the big picture, plan ahead, maintain a healthy diet, and exercise.
By taking a stand against the rise of obesity, America’s bodies will be in healthy condition, and are able to be the positive motivation for others to follow. Once more people choose to live a happy and healthful life, the decrease of obesity will begin to show. The solution to solving the issue of obesity in America can be possible by: eating healthier foods, getting proper exercise, and setting boundaries on what fast-food industries can sell to customers. People need to get up and get moving for the problem of obesity and its trail of nasty effects will consume the healthy way of life everyone knows today.
Face it, we have all heard the phrase,"You are what you eat" countless times in your life, but what does that truly mean. Every few months or years, millions go into trying new diets and diet pills but fail to understand why they cannot continue to eat healthy after their first few days on their new diet. Well, 1) the word "DIE" is in diet 2) no matter where you look you 're going to find delicious food ads and junk food and 3) you don 't have support.
Obesity is an issue that most people may be aware of, but I don't feel like many people actually know the ins and outs of it and how bad it really is. Although the speech that Jamie Oliver gave was about teaching children about food, I feel as if we need to teach adults about food just as much as children.