Honors Geometry Research Paper

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Honors Geometry may just seem like any another math class that is a small step up from Algebra I, but it is a completely different class that demands a different type of mindset. For me, Honors Geometry was much harder than Algebra 1, but I was still able to be successful in this class. I will give you some tips on how you can be successful in this class since it is challenging and may push you pass your limits on certain occasions. First, never be afraid to ask questions in class, talk to other classmates, or see your teacher out of class for extra help. Most students that ask questions aren’t always the ones that don’t understand everything, they are the students who care and want to make sure they understand everything they are expected …show more content…

If you do your homework on the night it is assigned, you will then have an extra day to go ask questions or talk to classmates about how to do a problem on the homework. The homework in Honors Geometry can sometimes be more time consuming than homework for other classes, so it is not the best idea to do it last minute right before class. Also, it is a great idea to start preparing for quizzes and tests earlier rather than later. Studying for a quiz or test the morning before is more like memorizing the information, which can put more stress on you. I found myself waiting to study till last minute at the beginning of the year, so I have started preparing for quizzes and tests the day we are told we are going to have a quiz or test in the future. To get additional problems on a certain concept, use the online book and do some of the monitoring progress problems because they give you step-by-step instructions. Lastly, just doing your homework isn’t enough to be prepared for quizzes and tests, so use other methods that work best for you to study. Quizlet, flashcards, and study groups are helpful studying methods I used this year to help myself prepare for quizzes and tests. However, sometimes when I crammed all night on Quilt the night before a quiz or test, I became very stressed which could result in a worse quiz or test

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