I Deserve A B.

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I Deserve a B I believe that I deserve a B preferably an A because I believe that I did good this semester. As a junior this semester was very challenging for me. But I kept going with hard work and some dedication. One of my biggest struggles this semester was Math 170. Math has always been my downfall but I always try to get it. But this semester it just didn’t happen. But I can say that I did try, actually I tried really hard to get my work done. I also have a problem with procrastination, that’s something I really need to work on. If I didn’t learn anything this semester I learned that unasked questions don’t get answered. I feel as though I should have come to you more often for questions because I know that I didn’t understand the material. I learned my lesson and that will never happen again. Also, even though I didn’t get majority of it I still tried; I should get some credit for that. I took the first part of this final and got a 93, perhaps that could be my final grade right there. Despite taking 17 credits this semester, along with being a Resident Assistant, I have managed to complete all of the assignments for this class. Though I didn’t ace each and every assignment I did manage to complete or attempt them. So far I’ve had a lot of good grades in my other classes, and once again I can say Math 170 was the most challenging. I believe that I deserve a B preferably an A because I always try to do my best in everything in school, because school is important and my future depends on what I do now in school, and the grades I get are very important. When we had class I always took notes, and never been afraid to ask questions when need be. All of my professors told me that I’m a good student and that I’m going to be very s... ... middle of paper ... ...hem and show them that everything is possible and black excellence is real. Some need that motivation and need to see things like this really happen. So I can’t keep telling them to get good grades and do well in school if I’m not demonstrating it to them. That wouldn’t be a good role model. I’m the first in my family to go to college and I have to finish strong. I haven’t let them down yet, so I can’t let them down now. Overall I think that I’ve been a great student in this class which is why when I receive my final grade I’d like to see a grade that I want. I learned my lesson with this course and that’s to do my work on time, stop procrastinating, and ask questions. So I won’t ever be in this predicament again. After writing this paper I can’t to conclusion that I definitely deserve a good grade. So I’m claiming it. I’m going to leave Math 170 with a good grade.

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