Manager Self Test Essay

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The two manager self-tests I took were both about two very different topics. The first test I took talked about one’s time management skills. The second test I took talked about one’s personal mission and goals for their future. The first manager self-test I took came from chapter 1 and discussed how one normally handles tasks during a typical day at work or school. On this first test, I scored an 8 out of 10. According to the book, this score means that my time management ability is good and that I could handle that aspect of being a manager well. The questions in this test pose many questions that made me really look back on recent events through school to see how well I was able to manage my time. By taking this test I learned things about …show more content…

I learned that I do feel that I am in excellent control of my time and that throughout out the day I usually know what to do next once I finish a task so that I 'm not left sitting and being unproductive. I also determined that even though I feel that I am in good control of my time management that I think there is still room to improve the way I manage my time. I was also able to determine that I keep a schedule of important events, I keep my workspace and paperwork organized, I am good at record keeping, I make good use of waiting time, and that I am always looking for ways to increase task efficiency. Overall I feel that this test helped me to realize that I do have pretty good time management skills, but that there is always room for improvement and that I should continue to look for ways to better use …show more content…

On this test, I scored a 7 out of 10. According to the book, this score means that I am in great shape with respect to my life’s personal mission. This test really makes you think about what you want your future to hold if you haven’t thought about it already. For me, I already have a sense of what I want for my future however I wasn’t sure what kind of shape I was in to attain that future. I realized through this test that I can describe a compelling image of my future, that I find living life to be more exciting than routine, and that I feel that my personal existence is meaningful. I also learned that although I see a reason for me being here I don’t, however, think that I have discovered a calling in life. I think that maybe because I don’t see my future necessarily as a “calling”. I see it more as an ever-changing thing. I have a clear image of what I want my future to be, but it is also something I can mold and change to fit my changing views. I discovered that I do feel that I have a unique life purpose to fulfill, but I don’t think I will know when I have achieved that purpose. I feel this way because I don’t think I will ever be able to fully fulfill my purpose because it is always growing and changing. I don’t usually talk about my personal mission, but I know how to

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