Making School Longer

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Has anyone ever asked they're children what their needs are? People are talking about making school longer my opinions is. NO! Because if kids are sitting in a place for a while they get bored, Most kids already feel overwhelmed with the regular school schedule and most kids have activities going on after school that the school does not provide like a job. So that's why I'm going with no.

Kids like me already feel overwhelmed with the regular schedule! So why would you put more pressure on us? Pressure on a kid is very unhealthy it can make them not pay. Attention so they wouldn't learn because they're under all kinds pressure with everything they do. Pressure can also cause a kid to act strangely if they're always happy it can cause …show more content…

If you are bord you're not going to want to pay attention to what is going on around you. you're going to want to sleep so if we have school longer than what it is instead of learning new things they will be catching Zs. So why have a school open for extra hours if it more like a daycare on the extra hour.

After school, I have a job! O wait if there are extra hours in school we can't do anything after school. I want to go to college but how can I go to college if I can't have a job to save for college? If a school is about our education then how is more hours in school going to help us for our future. However, things outside of school can help us to like the school in Finland they spend 15% less time. In school then Americans students do and Finnish students excel on an international test. And most of the college student went to college on a sports scholarship.

Parents and other people are saying more hours in school will help our test scores but in Finland, they spend 15% less time. In school then Americans students do and Finnish students excel on an international test. With fewer hours of school so why would we go to school more time if clearly, we can learn things out of school to just like Finnish

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