Longer School Day Research Paper

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Overworking yourself can lead to stress. Many students are already overworked with a seven-hour day. Adding another one and a half hours would cause more stress on students, leave less time for extracurricular activities and homework, and it would make students tired First and foremost, adding an hour and a half would cause more stress on students and teachers. The longer school day would be the cause of more homework. Having more homework would put more pressure on students to complete it and put more pressure on teachers to grade it. Adding extra time would make students’ grades change. Students grades would drop as a result of lack of sleep. Students’ resting time would change. As a result of a longer school day students would have less time to rest. Having a longer school day would cause unwanted stress on teachers and students. Moreover, having a longer school day will leave less time for extracurricular activities such as: clubs, sports, and homework help. Having extra time in school would mean more time for another class. Having another class would mean more homework and less time to do that homework. It would also mean less time for after school activities. Many schools encourage after school activities, having a longer school day would make students less interested in those after school activities. Many …show more content…

Students are already overworked. Students work for seven hours at school without including after school activities. Students who do decide to play sports or join a club would be at the school for up to 10 hours! Already being overworked and adding an extra two hours is unhealthy. Many students want to do well in school but cannot find the extra time to do their work. Having more time in school would mean less time for after school projects, homework, and activities. Extra time in school would be unhealthy for students and school

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