Negative Essay: Should School Be Longen?

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As the clock slowly ticks and all of the student’s are waiting for the day to be over; however, some kids still have 1-2 hours of school left. For those students who are still sitting in school, they may be getting taught a little more, it’s just harming our bodies and minds. While there has been a long disagreement about school being longer, it is my position that school days should not be lengthened. Some reasons for this include that it costs more, it gives students and teachers less time to do other activities, and student would not get as much sleep as necessary. The most important reason that school should not be lengthened is because it costs more. One example is only a handful of schools would be able to lengthen their school day due to it costing a …show more content…

If we made the school day longer, it will make students do less. “Extended the school day could also potentially harm student motivation and stamina” ( This shows that if the school day gets longer, students will want to be there less and will make them not want to learn. Another example is that as the day continues, students are less engaged and don’t listen as much. In the article “10 longer School Days Pros and Cons” by Vittana, it says that as the day continues, students get more worn-out which can cause mood swings and make it harder for children to listen and remember the information that they’re told. This means that the later in the day it gets, the less students remember and retain the information that they’re taught. A final example is that if the day gets too long, if can have a negative effect on everyone, not just the students. “A school day that’s too long often leads to frustration, tiredness and disappointment for everyone involved”

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