Understanding Student Engagement in Lesson Planning

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The lessons that I had taught for this week proved to be very challenging and somewhat wasteful task. On the bright side, this whole ordeal has pushed me to become more aware of what works and does not work for the students. I also have obtained better understanding of how important it is to check for students’ understanding throughout the lesson and keep them engaged throughout the lesson as well. Every one of my lesson plans included PowerPoints to present content for the subject of my lesson. I had even included quizzes at the end some of my PowerPoint to engage the students and check for their understanding. I had assumed that this would all go over well with the students, but I got two different reactions to my PowerPoints: disinterest …show more content…

Additionally, I had changed the work so the students can work in small groups rather than independently. I found that this tactic worked best because I had a chance to assist each student one-on-one to clear all of the problems they encounter as the finished the assigned work. In one lesson plan, I had intended for the students to write a thesis statement as a group based off of a given topic. However, I noticed that they struggled with remembering the elements of a thesis statement,soI had the students identify the parts of a thesis statement from a list of thesis statements instead. After teaching my lesson plans, I recognize that it is better for me to teach my students in smaller steps with my students. As opposed to teaching the elements thesis statement and the mistakes to avoid when creating a thesis statment, I should have maintained the focus on the elements of a thesis statement. After teaching this, I should have stopped to have the students identify the elements of a thesis statment from some example thesis statements. In the future, I plan on providing multiple opportunities to let the students practice what they know. I also plan on decreasing the amount of content I have for my powerpoints and focus more on 2 or 3 things to teach my students. I will also pause to check for students’ understanding as I present the content during my PowerPoint. I will continue to use more quizzes in my PowerPoints, but I will make it more gamelike by involving cards so they hold their answers up instead of writing their answers

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