Lab Test: Unknown Bacterium

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The purpose of this investigation was to identify an unknown bacterium. “At any time there are millions of bacteria living around, on, or inside us” (The Plague). Bacterium can’t be identified by merely looking at it. Many bacteria have the similar appearances in growth. “In most cases, detection is based on the reaction of an enzyme with a certain substrate” (Sigma-Aldrich). Identification is usually based on the results of the bacterium’s cells metabolic capacities.
Some bacteria are harmless and are part of our normal flora. While other bacteria are capable of causing diseases or death. In order to determine what type of bacteria is present, a set of biochemical test must be performed. With biochemical testing, the ability to identify the bacterium responsible for causing illnesses or diseases. Once this is determined, other tests can be performed to discover what treatments would work best in ridding the illness causing bacteria.
During the investigation, seven test were used to determine the unknown bacterium as Salmonella typhimurium. “Salmonella typhimurium is a genus of gram-negative, non-lactose fermenting, medium-sized, rod-shaped, bacteria, members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, most species having flagella and pili” (medical-dictionary). This bacterium is known for causing food poisoning. This illnesses usually last 4-7 days. Treatments for the illnesses caused by this bacterium are dependent upon the severity of the symptoms, the age of the patient, and the comorbidities.

During this investigation to identify the unknown bacterium, seven different biochemical tests were performed. All biochemical tests were performed according to the Eastfield Microbiology Lab Manual. As with...

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...alth issues, the symptoms may be more severe.

Eastfield College Microbiology Lab. (2013). [Comparison Chart of Biochemical Test Results]. Unpublished raw data.
Eastfield College Microbiology Laboratory Manual, 1st edition, Oliver, T. D. (Book Must Be Purchased New from Eastfield Bookstore and Cannot Be Sold Back to Bookstore at the End of the Semester), Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2013, Dubuque, IA. ISBN 9781465223784.
Microbiology with Diseases by Body System (Hardcover) & MasteringMicrobiology, 3rd edition, Bauman, R. W., Benjamin- Cummings Publishing Company, 2012, San Francisco, CA. ISBN 9780321716378. OR
Cefrey, Holly. The Plague. New York: Rosen, 2001. Print. 2013
“Welcome to Microbugz.” Welcome to Microbugz. Linda Beaver and Mary Rutter, web. 2000

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