1 / 3 BIO3001 Shinhye Jeon (Heather) Professor Wahlert November 21, 2017 Identifying of Spores Belonging to the Division Pterophyta by Utilizing Phylogenetical method 1. Abstract This lab was designed to determine the identity of “mystery spores” by growing them on an agar lined petri dish and observing them growing over the course. While their growth, we learned about various divisions within kingdom Plantae and their characteristics. Using this information about different divisions within kingdom Plantae and our observations of the mystery spores, we created a phylogenetic analysis comparing the mystery spores with the following divisions: Chlorophyta (green algae), Marchantiophyta (liverworts), Bryophyta (mosses), and Pteryophyta (ferns). According to this analysis, we concluded that the mystery spores belonged to the division Pteryophyta. 2. Introduction The mystery spore lab challenged us to identify what division within kingdom Plantae a group of mystery spores belonged to. The lab was designed to demonstrate that we can identify the division that the spores belonged through observing their growth, their structural characteristic (presence of chloroplasts, chlorophylls, …show more content…
Our mystery spores were able to live in agar, which is geomorphic setting, and all plants in the divisions Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, and Pteryophyta are characterized as occurring on land. However division Chlorophyta only lives in aquatic setting, in water. In addition, we observed that our mystery spores had rhizoids, which are root like structures used to help anchor the plant to the ground. While members of divisions Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, and Pteryophyta have rhizoids, members of division Chlorophyta do not. Thus based on these traits we were able to determine that the mystery spores had to belong to either division Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, or
Solid A was identified to be sodium chloride, solid B was identified to be sucrose, and Solid C was identified to be corn starch. Within the Information Chart – Mystery White Solid Lab there are results that distinguishes itself from the other 4 experimental results within each test. Such as: the high conductivity and high melting point of sodium chloride, and the iodine reaction of corn starch. Solid A is an ionic compound due to its high melting point and high electrical conductivity (7), within the Information Chart – Mystery White Solid Lab there is only one ionic compound which is sodium chloride, with the test results of Solid A, it can be concluded that is a sodium chloride. Solid B was identified as sucrose due to its low electrical
The purpose of the Unknown White Compound Lab was to identify the unknown compound by performing several experiments. Conducting a solubility test, flame test, pH paper test, ion test, pH probe test, conductivity probe test, and synthesizing the compound will accurately identified the unknown compound. In order to narrow down the possible compounds, the solubility test was used to determine that the compound was soluble in water. Next, the flame test was used to compare the unknown compound to other known compounds such as potassium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium carbonate. The flame test concluded that the cation in the unknown compound was potassium. Following, pH paper was used to determine the compound to be neutral and slightly
The unknown bacterium that was handed out by the professor labeled “E19” was an irregular and raised shaped bacteria with a smooth texture and it had a white creamy color. The slant growth pattern was filiform and there was a turbid growth in the broth. After all the tests were complete and the results were compared the unknown bacterium was defined as Shigella sonnei. The results that narrowed it down the most were the gram stain, the lactose fermentation test, the citrate utilization test and the indole test. The results for each of the tests performed are listed in Table 1.1 below.
Sordaria fimicola belongs to the kingdom of fungi and is part of the phylum Ascosmycota. This fungus habitat is in the feces of herbivores. As many fungi Sordaria have one life cycles which is haploid/ diploid. It is commonly exits as a haploid organism, but when the mycelium from two individuals meets, the result is a diploid zygote. This diploid zygote which undergoes meiosis forms eight haploid ascospores . The ability of Sordaria to make 8 haploid ascospores is what makes it unique and important for the laboratory exercise done in lab.
Sordaria fimicola is a species of microscopic fungus that is an Ascomycete and are used to test for genetic variation in the lab setting (Sordaria fimicola: A Fungus used in Genetics, Volk). These organisms are what are called model organisms, or species that has been widely studied usually because it is easy to maintain and breed in a laboratory setting and has particular experimental advantages (Sordaria fimicola, Volk). S. fimicola, because it is in the Ascomycota phylum, have a distinguishing reproductive structure called the ascus, which is surrounded by the perithecium. This cylindrical sac-like structure houses 8 haploid spores; created through meiosis to produce 4 haploid spores and then mitosis to make 8 (Lab Manual, pg. 59-68). Based on the genotype they will vary in order and color. There are 3 different ratios that can arise from the 8 ascospores: 4:4, 2:2:2:2, and 2:4:2 (black/wild type and tan coloration). The 4:4 ratio suggests that no crossing over had occurred because there is no difference in order of the color parents that were mated. The two other ratios suggest genetic recombination, or crossing over, because of the
Forensic Science Introduction: Someone in a restaurant has suddenly fallen ill and a mystery powder has been discovered with the victim. As the chief investigator, your duty is to identify the mystery substance through a lab. In this lab, it will consist of five known compounds and one unknown compound. Your job is to distinguish which one out of the five substances is the mystery powder. To figure out the mystery matter you will have to compare their physical and chemical properties and match them with the appropriate compound.
...indole, it is motile, there is no urease present and there is no coagulase activity. By deduction and logical reasoning Unknown 10a was determined to be Escherichia coli.
In this lab project, the microbiology students were given 2 unknown bacteria in a mixed broth each broth being numbered. The goal of this project is to determine the species of bacteria in the broth. They had to separate and isolate the bacteria from the mixed broth and ran numerous tests to identify the unknown bacteria. The significance of identifying an unknown bacteria is in a clinical setting. Determining the exact bacteria in order to prescribe the right treatment for the patient. This project is significant for a microbiology students because it gives necessary skills to them for future careers relating to clinical and research work.
Recreating the evolutionary history of dinoflagellates has been challenging as they possess a known ability to transform from noncyst – to cyst – forming strategies (unreferenced/Wikipedia). The dinoflagellate nucleus lacks histones, nucleosomes and maintains continually condensed chromosomes during mitosis (Dodge 1966), making their classification difficult (Hackett et al 2004). Though being classified as eukaryotes, the dinoflagellate nuclei are not characteristically eukaryotic (Dodge 1966). However, typical eukaryotic organelles, such as Golgi bodies, mitochondria and chloroplasts are present in dinoflagellates (Morrill et al 1983). Since dinoflagellate nuclei possess intermediate characteristics between the coiled DNA areas of prokaryotic bacteria and the well-defined eukaryotic nucleus it was termed ‘mesokaryotic’ by Dodge (1966).
The purpose of this laboratory is to learn about cultural, morphological, and biochemical characteristics that are used in identifying bacterial isolates. Besides identifying the unknown culture, students also gain an understanding of the process of identification and the techniques and theory behind the process. Experiments such as gram stain, negative stain, endospore and other important tests in identifying unknown bacteria are performed. Various chemical tests were done and the results were carefully determined to identify the unknown bacteria. First session of lab started of by the selection of an unknown bacterium then inoculations of 2 tryptic soy gar (TSA) slants, 1 nutrient broth (TSB), 1 nutrient gelatin deep, 1 motility
I was given unknown organism #14, in order to find out what organism I had, I had to perform several different biochemical tests to identify it. Starting with the Gram stain test, which is performed to differentiate Gram-positive and Gram-negative cells. After staining, when observed through the microscope Gram-positive cells are a purple color with thick peptidoglycan cell walls. Gram-negative cells are a pinkish/red color with thinner cell walls. (handout G. s.) My organism was observed to be pinkish rod shaped meaning it is Gram-negative bacteria.
In the kingdom of Fungi, is a collection of different organic multicellulary eukaryotic organisms. Fuguses are unique from any other life form. They grow in the wild yet they are not plants. They also breakdown and digest animals and plants alike, but they are not animals. Fungi are made up of chitin, a derivative of glucose that is also found in cephalopods, arthopods and crustaceans alike. Similiar to cellulose which is a what plants' cell walls are comprised of, Chitin is a tough material that gives the Fungi its structure.
What do bacteria need to grow? For bacteria to grow the most typical thing that they like ate a warm and moist environment, but that is not all that they like. Bacteria also like and environment with a PH that is normal or close to a human PH and bacteria also like an oxygen rich environment. The places that could be common to find bacteria in a building are a keyboard, a water fountain, and restrooms. A keyboard is a common place for bacteria because it is being touched constantly with hands when people type and hands are warm, so bacteria like them. The water fountain is another place that is common for bacteria to grow because people's warm hands are touching it and also it has water, which causes it to be moist. The last place that bacteria will we commonly found in buildings are restrooms. The bacteria like restrooms because many people are in then and also there is a lot of water in them.
The gametophytes used in this experiment are of C-ferns. They tend to mature and produce spores at temperature of 28oC and conditions of high humidity. The spores that germinate first are hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodites tend to produce a pheromone called antheridiogen. It is this pheromone that causes later germinating spores to become male.
Phylon 49.3/4 (2001): 173. Academic Search Premier -. Web. The Web. The Web. 20 Mar. 2014.