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Gene mapping in sordaria fimicola
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Sordaria fimicola is a species of microscopic fungus that is an Ascomycete and are used to test for genetic variation in the lab setting (Sordaria fimicola: A Fungus used in Genetics, Volk). These organisms are what are called model organisms, or species that has been widely studied usually because it is easy to maintain and breed in a laboratory setting and has particular experimental advantages (Sordaria fimicola, Volk). S. fimicola, because it is in the Ascomycota phylum, have a distinguishing reproductive structure called the ascus, which is surrounded by the perithecium. This cylindrical sac-like structure houses 8 haploid spores; created through meiosis to produce 4 haploid spores and then mitosis to make 8 (Lab Manual, pg. 59-68). Based on the genotype they will vary in order and color. There are 3 different ratios that can arise from the 8 ascospores: 4:4, 2:2:2:2, and 2:4:2 (black/wild type and tan coloration). The 4:4 ratio suggests that no crossing over had occurred because there is no difference in order of the color parents that were mated. The two other ratios suggest genetic recombination, or crossing over, because of the
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Figure 3: Individual Data Collected
Non-recombinant Asci Recombinant Asci Total # of Recombinant Asci (B+C) / Total # of Asci (A+B+C)
# of Type A Asci
(4:4) # of Type B Asci
(2:4:2) # of Type C Asci
11 4 5
9/20 (45%)
TREATMENT: X-ray Wild Type x non-X-ray tan
9 5 14/20 (70%)
Figure 4: Individual Data Collected (20 asci were examined for each observation)
Figure 5: Class Data Collected
Non-recombinant Asci Recombinant Asci Total # of Recombinant Asci (B+C) / Total # of Asci (A+B+C)
# of Type A Asci
(4:4) # of Type B Asci
(2:4:2) # of Type C Asci
181 114 125
239/420 (57%)
TREATMENT: X-ray Wild Type x X-ray tan
63 48 111/161 (69%)
TREATMENT: X-ray Wild Type x non X-ray tan
47 43 50 93/140 (66%)
TREATMENT: X-ray tan x non X-ray Wild Type
41 45 34 79/120
1 / 3 BIO3001 Shinhye Jeon (Heather) Professor Wahlert November 21, 2017 Identifying of Spores Belonging to the Division Pterophyta by Utilizing Phylogenetical method 1. Abstract
The unknown bacterium that was handed out by the professor labeled “E19” was an irregular and raised shaped bacteria with a smooth texture and it had a white creamy color. The slant growth pattern was filiform and there was a turbid growth in the broth. After all the tests were complete and the results were compared the unknown bacterium was defined as Shigella sonnei. The results that narrowed it down the most were the gram stain, the lactose fermentation test, the citrate utilization test and the indole test. The results for each of the tests performed are listed in Table 1.1 below.
Results obtained in lab as well as scientific research prove that as temperatures increase the percent of crossing over increases as well. Introduction: Sordaria fimicola belongs to the kingdom of fungi and is part of the phylum Ascosmycota. This fungus habitat is in the feces of herbivores. As many fungi, Sordaria have one life cycle which is haploid/ diploid. It is commonly exited as a haploid organism, but when the mycelium of two individuals meets, the result is a diploid zygote.
Planarians are free-living, carnivorous flatworms found in the Phylum Platyhelminthes, Class Turbellaria. Although the Phylum Platyhelminthes is known for having the animals with the most parasitic species, the class Turbellaria which consist of the Planaria, are a non-parasitic species. Platyhelminthes which translates to "flat worm" are triploblastic animals. This means that they have three tissue layers, the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. Planaria also are monoecious organisms, meaning that they have both female and male sex organs in one organism. Another characteristic of the Planaria is that they do not have a true body cavity, meaning that they are acoelomate organisms.
The affects of pH, temperature, and salt concentration on the enzyme lactase were all expected to have an effect on enzymatic activity, compared to an untreated 25oC control. The reactions incubated at 37oC were hypothesized to increase the enzymatic activity, because it is normal human body temperature. This hypothesis was supported by the results. The reaction incubated to 60oC was expected to decrease the enzymatic activity, because it is much higher than normal body temperature, however this hypothesis was not supported. When incubated to 0oC, the reaction rate was hypothesized to decrease, and according to the results the hypothesis was supported. Both in low and high pH, the reaction rate was hypothesized to decrease, which was also supported by the results. Lastly, the reaction rate was hypothesized to decrease in a higher salt concentration, which was also supported by the results.
The fungus Sordaria fimicola is commonly used to study the different processes of cell cycles such as the assortment of genes and the crossing over during meiosis. Considering the importance of genetics in the world today, this experiment is crucially valuable in helping the students gain knowledge in the different processes of cell cycle and learning how to attempt similar experiments on their own in the future. Sordaria fimicola requires “both mitotic and meiotic nuclear divisions to manufacture eight haploid ascospores” (Helm, 1998). This fungus “spend most of its life in haploid condition” (Glase, 1995). When the haploid nuclei fuse together in the cells, they beco...
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In biology class, we were learning about enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that help catalyze chemical reactions in our bodies. In the lab, we were testing the relationship between the enzyme catalase and the rate of a chemical reaction. We predicted that if there was a higher percentage of enzyme concentration, then the rate of chemical reaction would increase or it would take less time. We placed 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide into four depressions. Underneath the first depression, we place 1 ml of 100% catalase and make 50% dilution with 0.5 ml of water. We take 50% of that solution and dilute with 0.5 ml of water and we repeat it two more times. there were four depressions filled with catalase: 100%, 50%, 25% , 12.5 % with the last three diluted
Madar, Sylvia S., & Windelspecht, Michael. (2014). Inquiry into Life, Metabolism: Energy & Enzymes (pp. 104-107). New York: McGraw Hill.
In our Biology Lab we did a laboratory experiment on fermentation, alcohol fermentation to be exact. Alcohol fermentation is a type of fermentation that produces the alcohol ethanol and CO2. In the experiment we estimated the rate of alcohol fermentation by measuring the rate of CO2 production. Both glycolysis and fermentation consist of a series of chemical reactions, each of which is catalyzed by a specific enzyme. Two of the tables substituted some of the solution glucose for two different types of solutions. They are as followed, Table #5 substituted glucose for sucrose and Table #6 substituted the glucose for pH4. The equation for alcohol fermentation consists of 6 Carbons 12 Hydrogens 6 Oxygen to produce 2 pyruvates plus 2 ATP then finally the final reaction will be 2 CO2 plus Ethanol. In the class our controlled numbers were at Table #1; their table had 15 mL Glucose, 10 mL RO water, and 10 mL of yeast which then they placed in an incubator at 37 degrees Celsius. We each then measured our own table’s fermentation flasks every 15 mins for an hour to compare to Table #1’s controlled numbers. At
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