Improving Confidence

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Practices to Improve Confidence
Strategic Preparation
People often feel less confident in new or potentially difficult situations. Perhaps the most important factor in developing confidence is planning and preparing for the unknown. If you were applying for a new job for example, you would be wise to prepare for the interview. Plan what you would want to say in the interview and think about some of the questions that you might be asked. Practice your answers with friends or teammates and gain their feedback. There are many other examples of planning for an interview, perhaps you should visit the hairdresser before you go. How are you going to travel to the interview, how long will the journey take? What should you wear? Take control of unknown situations the best you can, break down tasks into smaller sub-tasks and plan as many as you can. Studying and research can help us to feel more confident about our ability to handle situations, roles and tasks successfully. It is important that what to expect and how and why things are done will add to your alertness and usually make you feel more prepared and ultimately more confident. Knowledge and gaining knowledge can sometimes make us feel less confident about our abilities to perform roles and tasks, when this happens we need to combine our knowledge with experience. By doing something …show more content…

They are likely to buy books or visit websites that can offer advice and dispel some of the mysteries. They are also likely to talk to other parents to gain knowledge and understanding. In the workplace, training may be provided for staff to teach them how to manage or work with new systems and ways. During a period of organizational change this is particularly important, as many people will naturally resist changes. However if those affected by the changes are given sufficient information and training then such resistances can usually be

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