How Does the Concentration of Copper II Sulphate Solution Affect Its Transparency?

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Research Question

How Does the Concentration of Copper II Sulphate Solution Affect Its Transparency?

Background information

Copper is a transition metal and one unique property of transition metals is to create different types colored compounds . Copper(II) sulfate, also known as cupric sulfate or copper sulphate, is the chemical compound with the chemical formula CuSO4. Existing as a gray white powered in anhydrous form however more commonly encountered salt in the laboratory is pentahydrate or (CuSO4·5H2O ) is bright blue in powdered form . In my experiment I used this bright blue powder by dissolving the powder in water leading to a exothermic reaction the exothermic reaction to create an aquo complex [Cu(H2O)6]2 .


In this experiment concentration of the copper II Sulphate solution is being varied to determine its effect on transparency. These concentrations will be made from dilutions of 1 mole copper II Sulphate solution provided. When this occurs the transparency can be recorded by the calorimeter that will in fact showcase how the dilution o...

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