Volume's Effect on a Copper Sulphate Solution

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Volume's Effect on a Copper Sulphate Solution

We are trying to find out if the current though a copper sulphate

solutions volume is increased. To find this information out I shall

perform an experiment using the following equipment;

· 1 power pack

· 1 beaker

· 2 carbon rods for anode and cathode

· 1 ammeter

· 1 measuring cylinder

· 2 crocodile clip wirers

I shall also be using 60cm3 volume of copper sulphate in my

preliminary results to decide upon the concentration of copper

sulphate and the voltage I shall use. The following diagrams show the

step by step process in which I will do my experiment;





I will take 10 readings from 10cm3 to 100cm3. I will repeat my

experiment to give my experiment a fair average. I will keep the power

pack the beaker the carbon rods the crocodile clips the ammeter the

concentration of copper sulphate and the measuring cylinder the same

each time I do the experiment this experiment. I intend to change the

volume of the copper sulphate I shall change this by going up 10cm3

each time. To keep my experiment safe I shall wear goggles and have a

bench wipe close by to mop up any spillages.

I predict that when the volume of copper sulphate is increased the

current going though it will also increase, and if the volume is

doubled the current should also be doubled. I believe my prediction to

be true and I will now try to prove this by using my scientific

knowledge and other resources.

An electrode is a component of an electric circuit that connects the

conventional wiring of the circuit to a conducting medium such as an

electrolyte or a gas. The electrically positive electrode is called

the anode and the negative electrode the cathode. If an anode and a

cathode are placed in a solution of an electrolyte and a source of

direct current is connected between them, the positive ions in the

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