Investigating the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Diffusion

643 Words2 Pages

Investigating the Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Diffusion

Aim: To find out if concentration affects the rate of diffusion.

Prediction: I predict that the higher the concentration of acid the

faster the reaction will be.

Hypothesis: Diffusion is the spreading out of a gas or liquid from an

area of low concentration to another area where it has a lower

concentration until the overall concentrations are balanced. The

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) diffuses into the gelatine cube of which

contains Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), which is an alkali. When the

Hydrochloric acid combines with the Sodium Hydroxide they form salt

and water, which is neutral therefore turning the pink cube to clear.

Dependent variable: We are measuring the time taken for the pink

indicator to turn clear when hydrochloric acid is added to it.

Independent variable: We are changing the molar of hydrochloric acid

we are adding to the gelatine cubes. The molars range from 1-3.


* 1 measuring cylinder

* 1 test tube

* 1 stop clock

* A large gelatine cube containing indicator and NaOH

* Hydrochloric acid ranging from 1-3 molars

* A scalpel



* Take the large gelatine cube and cut into 15 equal pieces

* Place on piece of the cube into the test tube

* Measure out 10mls of HCl in the measuring cylinder

* Pour the HCl into the test tube with the gelatine cube and start

the clock

* Time how long it takes for the pink colour inside the gelatine

cube to completely disappear

* You will also notice that the cube dissolves slightly

* Record your results and repeat this same process 3 times for each

molar of acid:

§ 1 molar

§ 1.5 molar

§ 2 molar

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