Investigating the Thermal Decomposition Of Metal Carbonates

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Investigating the Thermal Decomposition Of Metal Carbonates

Aim: To investigate a range of metal carbonates and see if they

thermally decompose.

Thermal Decomposition




Written By Tauqir Sharif



When a metal is thermally decomposed the bond between the metal and

its carbonate (carbon and oxygen) is removed and the carbonate is

released as carbon dioxide.

Metal Carbonate = Metal Oxide + Carbon Dioxide

Malachite is an ore of copper. It is made mostly of copper carbonate.

It can be crushed into a green powder. If this powder is heated it

changes colour. A new substance has been made. The new substance is a

black powder. This is called copper oxide. The copper carbonate has

been decomposed.

Copper oxide is made by thermal decomposition of copper carbonate.

Carbon dioxide is also made. The formula for this is:

Copper Carbonate = Copper Oxide + Carbon Dioxide

(CuCO3 = CuO + CO2)

The reactivity series determines how fast this reaction occurs. The

reactivity series is the order of metals in the periodic table. The

most reactive metals are placed at the top of the reactivity series.

The least reactive materials are placed at the bottom of the

reactivity series. From preliminary work that I have already done I

know that Potassium and sodium are the most reactive metals, and that

gold and platinum are the least reactive metals. To determine the

order of how reactive a metal is and where to place it in the

reactivity series you have to see how the metal reacts to:

Ø Oxygen (air)

Ø Water

Ø Acid

When metals are heated they react with oxygen in the air. As the metal

is heated it reacts with the oxygen to form an oxide. The most

reactive metals such as potassium and sodium burn brightly when they

are heated. The less reactive metals do not burn brightly, and take

longer to form their oxide.

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