Can any act of kindness change your day? To start Non-Judgemental love to me means giving or receiving love with no negative feelings. Non-judgemental love means accepting someone the way they are. Non-judgemental also means You are accepting the freedom of others and yourself to be who you are without blame or condemnation. non-judgemental love is important because some people can't handle being judged about doing something or being themselves. Being non-judgemental is important because it allows people to feel free to be who they are and don't have to feel judged. Non-judgemental love is also important because without non-judgemental love it would hard to be yourself. When i was younger my mother loved me for who i was and she always supported …show more content…
I think that if you show someone who is having a bad day any type of kindness can change their day.
Someone who i was kind to was the new kid in school.To begin with kindness to me means being friendly to another person or animal. Kindness means showing affection towards someone else other than yourself.kindness also means being friendly and generous to someone. Kindness is so important to me is because without kindness the world would be a heartless place with no love. Kindness is a powerful emotion to uplift our mood. Kindness is also important because being kind care make u feel better about yourself. I plan on going to career field that deals with communicate with different type of sick people and i have to show them kindness. My mother used to always show me kindness when I was sick so i would like to do the same thing for other people. A long time ago when i was living in pine bluff i was going to a school called W.T. Cheney and it was normal for new kids to show up later in the school year and usually my pals i was always hanging out with pick one the new kids who came to our school. One day in class a new kid named kimberly was put in my class. Later in the class period we had to pick
Kindness can really make a difference in a person's attitude. In “A Christmas Carol”, the Cratchits and Scrooge's nephew Fred show kindness to Scrooge, even though Scrooge showed quite the opposite to them. Or in “Thank you M’am”, when Ms. Jones makes Roger food and gives him money to buy his shoes, instead of reporting him to the police. Even in “Little Things Are Big”, when Jesus decides to help people even if he has to face prejudism. These stories all show turning points, and these examples show
It’s very simple, but creates a world of difference. This means so much to me, in so many ways. Kindness will make a person feel better, even if they aren’t that way themselves. I’ve seen the change simple kindness can make. It can change the outlook on someone’s life, or give someone a little hope.
“Sometimes it 's easy to walk by because we know we can 't change someone 's whole life in a single afternoon. But what we fail to realize it that simple kindness can go a long way toward encouraging someone who is stuck in a desolate place.” ~ Mike Yankoski
I am support and encouragement. Kindness is unconditional just like true agape love. True Agape Love encompasses complete love for others, even enemies, God, and yourself. When a believer illustrates this type of love to everyone, in all situations, people will take notice and see that something is different about them. When Christian's show this kind of love it sets them apart from this circumstantial and conditional world. Agape love is what sets Christians apart and shows the love of God in people daily lives. Kindness is the expression of Christ’s love and when we are kind we radiate
Kindness means doing “a kind deed” (Merriam-Webster). Kindness is not tied to any certain person or occupation. Lawyers can have kindness and do cases for free. The same goes for any person. One can do a kind act just because they feel like it, without getting anything in return. A woman named Megan for whom I did volunteer work for, came up to me one day and gave me forty dollars. I did not ask for it, nor did she have any reason to give it to me, other than the fact that she wanted to make sure I had plenty of groceries at home. This is kindness. My brother Grayson
The act of kindness comes by very seldom. “Being kind and generous to people will take you very far in life” is what my great grandmother always told me. Smiling from ear to ear, eyes gazing across the room and that special touch are all it took for her to make someone day. Many days were made if you were surrounded by her and saw that big, bright, and beautiful smile. Soft hands are what she had from giving her entire life. No one went without, you could be a total stranger but she would give you her last.
Speaking kindly to another person is one way to reach a person's heart. If a person speaks kindly to another person, then the person who is on the receiving end of the conversation would most likely be happy or upbeat about the outcome of what had been spoken. Throughout my life, I have been spoken kindly to by a select few people. I have also spoken to people kindly. My best friend speaks kindly to me each day, whether it may be through a text, snapchat, direct message, or face-to-face contact.
It's not about giving people things, but more so about one’s daily gestures and what one says to everyone each day. Being kind might be tough at times but in the end avoiding a rude comment is much better than saying one. There are so many ways to show others that being kind is important so don’t be afraid to try some out. Looking into it further, if everyone in the world was kind, we could avoid conflicts from small fights on the streets to world wars because everyone would be able to communicate and compromise with one another in a civilized
Being nice to others as a daily principle of life, such as (hi), smiling, asking people how they are with showing real interest in knowing how they are, not just asking for asking.
To begin, kindness is an important part of everyday living. Kindness means considerate. Also, it means showing one you care. Finally, Kindness is understanding and responding to someone’s needs with warmth, because you don’t know how they were treated before they came to you, and it may have been a bad experience. An experience that makes it hard to turn to others, and she may be a private person who takes in everything. If I want someone to be kind to me, then I should be kind to others. Personally, I try showing kindness to others everyday no matter how I have been treated. One time at work in walked a lady lived across the street. At the front of the store there was a telephone for store use, but that day she needed to use the phone. She
Kindness is the key to most everything. Being kind means taking the high road, even when someone has wronged you. It means serving other people, even under inconvenient circumstances.It involves looking for the good in others, and even helping them to see the good in themselves. Kindness is spreading happiness to make other’s day better and by making them smile. Kindness is defending those who are picked on by others, sitting by those who are lonely, and saying hi to someone in the hall. Kindness is being someone who wants to build up those around them.
Kindness is most often defined as being nice, or doing service; although, to me, I think kindness has a lot more to do with whom you are and the way you think, rather
One reason that any act of kindness makes an impact is that some people need positivity. First off, one act of kindness could change the receiver’s life forever. There are many people in the world that struggle everyday, and motivation and kind acts can contribute to helping them throughout their life. Also, the receiver will have a positive mindset
The first area that acts of kindness influence involves psychological aspects. One result when performing this task is it allows one to become happier. When focusing on another person, it reduces feelings of loneliness or isolation and can also help to cope with depression. While in the service of others, endorphins are released which are associated with happiness. The discharge of these endorphins provides a longer feeling of calmness and a higher sense of well-being (The Health Benefits of Kindness). In other words, small acts of kindness have a great effect on moods. In return, your mood determines what the rest of the day will be like. Service involves one person focusing on the needs of another. This provides a period of time in which...
The most joyous season of the year in our house is Christmas. All the family gets together, gifts are exchanged and we give thanks for all that we have. This Christmas however, was one that I will never forget. If it weren't for the help of a stranger coming to my rescue, my holidays would have been ruined. He reminded me that a little kindness really does go along way.