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Negotiation skills and tactics subtopics
The importance of telling the truth
Negotiation skills and tactics subtopics
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Kindness is the key to most everything. Being kind means taking the high road, even when someone has wronged you. It means serving other people, even under inconvenient circumstances.It involves looking for the good in others, and even helping them to see the good in themselves. Kindness is spreading happiness to make other’s day better and by making them smile. Kindness is defending those who are picked on by others, sitting by those who are lonely, and saying hi to someone in the hall. Kindness is being someone who wants to build up those around them. My favorite act of kindness is complimenting someone, because it lights up their face and a wide smile usually spreads across their face. I know that when I’ve been complimented, it often makes …show more content…
Honesty means that we shouldn’t deceive others or take things that aren’t ours. It means following the rules, and if you break one, don’t try and deny it, just own your mistake and accept the consequence. Additionally, it is important to learn from those mistakes. If we all just hid our mistakes, we would never learn. Last year I was getting food out of a vending machine. Counting the change I had been returned, I noticed that it had given me back a dollar too much. Now, stopping here, if I were to follow my value of honesty, I would give the money back and inform them of what happened. If I weren’t following the value, I would either keep the money, or buy another scrumptious snack to devour. Now, I did end up taking the money back to the office, and I’m certainly glad that I …show more content…
I think, if you can see that side, while someone is ranting it could help to point out the alternate side. I tend to do this a lot, and whenever I say another potential point of view, they seem taken aback and surprised. Usually they end up saying “yeah, I guess that’s true” and calming down a little bit. I also think that if I have a positive attitude about an assignment or task, it will make the assignment so much more bearable and could even be counted as fun! Right after getting mad, my reasoning doesn’t kick in. It usually takes ranting to someone and about an hour before I realize the reason they might have done it, or figure out that it really wasn’t that bad. After that, it usually takes a day or two before I fully let it go. To solve this, I think I need to take a couple of really good breathes and just close my eyes for a minute and think of things I love and just calm down before I make rash decisions that make me feel disappointed in myself
Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner provides incredibly valuable insight into the intertwining concepts of identity and personal happiness, as does A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews. Undeniably, a healthy cognisance of personal identity is crucial to mental tranquility and happiness. Insecurity, for example is unilaterally viewed as an unsettling character flaw precisely because of the inherent implication of untrue personal identity. Accurately understanding one’s true personal identity is the backbone of happiness, as seen in The Kite Runner and A Complicated Kindness. Furthermore, it can be said that personal flaws, strengths and collectivist mentalities surrounding both Amir and Nomi’s characters ultimately contribute to their respective happiness or lack thereof, at the end of both stories.
If anger were a disease, there would be an epidemic in this country. Road Rage, spousal and child abuse, and a lack of civility are just a few examples. Emotionally mature people know how to control their thoughts and behaviors how to resolve conflict. Conflict is an inevitable art of school and work, but it can be resolved in a positive way.
Job 4:16 says, “Anyone who withholds kindness from a friend forsakes the fear of the Almighty.” Kindness is shown in a person’s character. Many people are afraid to display it because they are worried of what the outcome may be or what people would think of them for trying to be kind. In Love Kindness, by Barry H. Corey, we learn that “kindness needs to be rediscovered” (Corey xiii). It is easily seen by the way one person acts or speaks towards someone that we can tell if kindness is being radiated off of them or not. Within my reflection, I will be comparing niceness and kindness and the major difference between the two of those, as well as how we can keep our “firm center” and “soft edges”.
“Sometimes it 's easy to walk by because we know we can 't change someone 's whole life in a single afternoon. But what we fail to realize it that simple kindness can go a long way toward encouraging someone who is stuck in a desolate place.” ~ Mike Yankoski
A dictionary definition of honesty belies the rigor and complexity of its practice. According to the Random House description, honesty is: 1. The quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. 2. Truthfulness, sincerity or frankness. 3. Freedom from deceit or fraud. The commitment required to realize these simple terms is more clearly implied in a second definition, drawn from Funk & Wag- nails Standard Handbook of Synonyms, Antonyms and Prepositions: "One who is honest in the highest and fullest sense is scrupulously careful to adhere to all known truth and right even in thought,”
One of the most treasured and cherished virtues any human beings can possess is honesty. William Damon is a professor of education at Stanford University, director of the Stanford Center on Adolescence, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. In his essay, “The Death of Honesty” which was published by the hoover institute at Harvard University in 2012, Williams explains how dishonesty has been accepted in the world of today. He discussed the increase in the “death of honest.” William Damon utilized logos to convince his targeted audience on the current state of honesty within one’s professional, religious, political, academic and personal links. This essay appeal to varieties of people among which includes young and old adults,
We have to embrace the reality that communication is a two way street. Taking the time, to find out the real problem will make it a lot easier to find the most appropriate solution. While every problem cannot be approached like a math problem, understanding the fundamentals can make resolution that much easier. Avoid the communication pitfalls by refraining from the refusal to communicate and or pacification, which means to soothe or calm someone by being nice or by giving in to demands. These behaviors are counterproductive to effective interpersonal communication and show a lack of understanding. Many times just stepping away and reviewing the situation can shed light on how serious or how petty a given issue may be. After stepping away, it may give you time to realize that the problem is just not worth the amount of anger or emotion put into it, and quite frankly could be pretty
Seneca writes, “kindliness forbids you to be over-bearing towards your associates, it forbids you to be grasping” (Seneca). One who is warm- hearted has an easier time dealing with people. Kindliness allows one to treat others as one would want to be treated. Kindliness serves one greatly in a new surrounding or environment. Seneca also states “In words and deeds shows itself gentle and courteous to all men” (Seneca). Being kind through our words can help one build strong and happy relationships. Being kind through deeds shows that one is willing to help those in need and not expect anything from such deeds. Kindliness is a great virtue to have because it serves as a gateway to better human interaction and
The act of kindness comes by very seldom. “Being kind and generous to people will take you very far in life” is what my great grandmother always told me. Smiling from ear to ear, eyes gazing across the room and that special touch are all it took for her to make someone day. Many days were made if you were surrounded by her and saw that big, bright, and beautiful smile. Soft hands are what she had from giving her entire life. No one went without, you could be a total stranger but she would give you her last.
It's not about giving people things, but more so about one’s daily gestures and what one says to everyone each day. Being kind might be tough at times but in the end avoiding a rude comment is much better than saying one. There are so many ways to show others that being kind is important so don’t be afraid to try some out. Looking into it further, if everyone in the world was kind, we could avoid conflicts from small fights on the streets to world wars because everyone would be able to communicate and compromise with one another in a civilized
Remember, if you want peace and happiness, if you want contentment and hope, practice kindness. Even in the worst situations, be kind. As a matter of fact, those situations arethe ones that need compassion enen more. Again, “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” Henry James
The different qualities and personalities each individual on earth expresses represents how diverse the planet is which is an indication of how creatures have evolved overtime. Amongst these individuals there are mean-spirited folks or nice-spirited folks, there may even be people who are both depending on the day. When describing The nice-spirited persons the qualities often implicate the term generous. What is generosity? Why are people generous? The further we comprehend this word, the better we are able to judge on it, and answer the proposed questions.
Honesty is a characteristic that everyone should possess. However, being honest is a difficult task for many people. Living honestly means allowing a person’s true self to be exposed to others. Honesty is considered owning up to one’s wrongdoings and not lying, cheating, or stealing. Being honest is a trait that many people believe is obsolete. Even though every person interprets honesty differently, it all stems back to telling the truth. Being honest allows a person to earn respect from their peers. Honesty is allowing oneself to be completely exposed by being truthful.
This can either be a positive or negative thing and how you act on it, or do not act, can show how in control and effective you are with your feelings. According to the text, “just because you feel a certain way does not mean you have to act on it” and that “people who act out angry feelings actually feel worse than those who experience anger without lashing out” (Adler, Rosenfeld, Proctor II, year?). Even though acting on your feelings may seem uncontrollable, it is important to deal with them in a different and more productive way. Recognizing how you feel and using the right approach during a constructive conversation is always better than quickly lashing out without completely understanding the situation or how you feel besides angry. Furthermore, “recognizing the difference between feeling and acting can liberate you from the fear that getting in touch with certain emotions will commit you to a course of action” (Adler, Rosenfeld, Proctor II, year?). Understanding your emotions is important so that you will be able to experience feelings that may upset you and still be able to deal with them from a positive standpoint. Once you can separate your feelings from actions you will be able to make more rational
A good friend must be kind because being kind is when they look out for you no matter what! If they hear girls talking about you, they are the friends that stop them. Friends look out for you even when you are arguing. A friend understands that you may not always get along but you should always try and be there for them and look out for them. Although this can be difficult at times, it proves how kind and loving you are. Another part of being kind is listening to one and another. Sometimes we don't care about what are friends have to say, but listening is really important. Listening shows that you value their friendship. Some friends only talk about themselves and never listen to your problems; that is not a good friend. Listening to each other helps you learn about the person as it shows character and tells that person you can count on them. In addition, being a ...