Importance Of Kindness Essay

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Kindness is the key to most everything. Being kind means taking the high road, even when someone has wronged you. It means serving other people, even under inconvenient circumstances.It involves looking for the good in others, and even helping them to see the good in themselves. Kindness is spreading happiness to make other’s day better and by making them smile. Kindness is defending those who are picked on by others, sitting by those who are lonely, and saying hi to someone in the hall. Kindness is being someone who wants to build up those around them. My favorite act of kindness is complimenting someone, because it lights up their face and a wide smile usually spreads across their face. I know that when I’ve been complimented, it often makes …show more content…

Honesty means that we shouldn’t deceive others or take things that aren’t ours. It means following the rules, and if you break one, don’t try and deny it, just own your mistake and accept the consequence. Additionally, it is important to learn from those mistakes. If we all just hid our mistakes, we would never learn. Last year I was getting food out of a vending machine. Counting the change I had been returned, I noticed that it had given me back a dollar too much. Now, stopping here, if I were to follow my value of honesty, I would give the money back and inform them of what happened. If I weren’t following the value, I would either keep the money, or buy another scrumptious snack to devour. Now, I did end up taking the money back to the office, and I’m certainly glad that I …show more content…

I think, if you can see that side, while someone is ranting it could help to point out the alternate side. I tend to do this a lot, and whenever I say another potential point of view, they seem taken aback and surprised. Usually they end up saying “yeah, I guess that’s true” and calming down a little bit. I also think that if I have a positive attitude about an assignment or task, it will make the assignment so much more bearable and could even be counted as fun! Right after getting mad, my reasoning doesn’t kick in. It usually takes ranting to someone and about an hour before I realize the reason they might have done it, or figure out that it really wasn’t that bad. After that, it usually takes a day or two before I fully let it go. To solve this, I think I need to take a couple of really good breathes and just close my eyes for a minute and think of things I love and just calm down before I make rash decisions that make me feel disappointed in myself

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