Importance Of Being Kind Essay

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Are you kind to everyone, parents, friends, peers, etc? Are they kind? Being kind or not plays a large part in community environments. According to CNTraveler Charleston, SC is currently the kindest city in the United States. It is likely that Charleston has a better community than here in Madison, WI. Being kind allows for better communication, and it also helps one to become a positive force in another's life. These are both very important factors in life. If one is a negative force in a friends life or even in a random person's life, one never knows how much that could hurt another. It isn’t always easy to be kind to others, nor is it easy to fake being kind. Some try to be kind by offering or showering one with stuff. People all around do this, they think giving people things equals being kind and fills heart the same way a compliment would. However, it does not work like that. One does not feel the same way after getting an object as they do when they are are told they look gorgeous, or when someone holds the door for them, or even when someone tries to be inclusive. Often when someone gifts something they do so expecting something in return, they did not do it out of kindness of their heart. A kind person is giving from their hearts, whereas those who give gifts thinking that is being kind are doing so to feel …show more content…

It's not about giving people things, but more so about one’s daily gestures and what one says to everyone each day. Being kind might be tough at times but in the end avoiding a rude comment is much better than saying one. There are so many ways to show others that being kind is important so don’t be afraid to try some out. Looking into it further, if everyone in the world was kind, we could avoid conflicts from small fights on the streets to world wars because everyone would be able to communicate and compromise with one another in a civilized

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