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Criss Jami is a personal favorite poet of mine states “Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.” Iago is a craftsman of destruction, and a wolf in lamb's skin. The article “Honesty” by John F Ahearne researches what honestly truly is and the forms, as well as dishonesty. "People Often Trust Eloquence More Than Honesty." by Rogers, Todd, and Michael I. Norton discusses how people will an individual who eloquently dodges a direct question then the truth given in unrefined way. Honesty is not the best policy in my point of view. The truth can hinder an individual from getting what they desire. If only the truth is told, it can be used against the everyone. If everyone was completely honest society could not function properly. Therefore, honesty is not the best policy.
Undoubtedly if only the truth is told, it can block the desires of the deceiver. Adhearne writes in the article that:
A dictionary definition of honesty belies the rigor and complexity of its practice. According to the Random House description, honesty is: 1. The quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. 2. Truthfulness, sincerity or frankness. 3. Freedom from deceit or fraud. The commitment required to realize these simple terms is more clearly implied in a second definition, drawn from Funk & Wag- nails Standard Handbook of Synonyms, Antonyms and Prepositions: "One who is honest in the highest and fullest sense is scrupulously careful to adhere to all known truth and right even in thought,”
In order to be honest someone has to be not only verbally honest but true in their actions as...

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...was open about his sheer hatred for Othello taking his position he would surely be frowned upon for being so petty. For exampled discouraging an individual from trying something just because in their option that person isn't capably of accomplishing their goals. If everyone was honest Iago would of told Roderigo he really didn't have a chance with Desdemona, and stop giving him a false sense of hope. If everyone was honest people would say how they honestly felt or their option.
To summarize, honesty is not the best policy. Lying is necessary, for a morally just or unjust reason. The truth sometimes blocks a someone from reaching their desires. If only the truth is told, it can be used against the everyone. If everyone was completely honest society could not function properly. Someone who can deceive will always find people who allow themselves to be fooled.

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