Lie Essays

  • The white lie is a real lie

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    In The Reprehensibility of the White Lie, Jennifer Pier defines a white lie. She explains what a white lie is and with the use of diction and personification, the white lie is depicted. Pier states that “[the white lie] is hard to define but easy to recognize” (206). With this, Pier dives into her explanation of what makes up a white lie. Her explanation consists of three criterions; the white lie means something, the white lie is polite, and the white lie is destructive. By using examples that many

  • The Anatomy of a Lie

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    of a lie or lies always seem to lead to a path of extreme detriment. Although I have experienced both sides of a lie I often wonder if the reasoning behind lying is always just. Do people lie to protect? Or is a lie an extension of deceit? These are questions that many people can relate and reflect on because we have all been lied to. Whether you were told white lies about the Easter bunny and Santa Claus or someone lied to you about their whereabouts any false statement is quite simply a lie. The

  • Essay On A Lie

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    How much a lie can affect us? By definition lie means: A lie is a false statement to a person or group made by another person or group who knows it is not the whole truth, intentionally (2). A lie it’s compound by two characters; the person who tells the lie and the person who believes on the lie without knowing. It creates a fantasy environment in which the person who believes in it creates their present and needs around it, while the person who tells the lie keeps creating an imaginary world in

  • The White Lie

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    deception, they do not seek to cause harm to others or to promote oneself as a selfish lie would. Ericsson terms this type of lie as a “white lie”, and goes on to say, “The white lie assumes that the truth will cause more damage than a simple, harmless untruth” (425). In other words, people sometimes fudge the truth out of concern for the well being and feelings of others. I say that this is not a bad or selfish lie because one is trying to spare hurt. Ericsson, however, takes the firm stance that these

  • The White Lie

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    The White Lie People are always talking about the white lie and how this kind of lying doesn't hurt other people. Other people feel that any lie is one that should not be made. No matter what individuals have to say about lies, Socrates feels that it is necessary to create a noble lie so that his vision of the just state, or kallipolis, can be created. The Myth of the Metals, Socrates myth, in no way contradicts his definition of justice in The Republic. The so-called noble lie that Socrates

  • Why Lie Is Bad

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    Lying is all around us; it never stops, every few minutes another lie is being said. It can either benefit everyone, or it can turn out for the worse. Lying is easily influenced among adolescents, as children, parents have always taught their kids that lying is a horrible habit and should not be encouraged, As the children grow up, they learn from everyone around them, and can’t help but start to lie, making lying no longer a bad habit because they witness the lies that are coming out of everyone’s

  • Is it right or wrong to lie?

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    Is it right or wrong to lie? This specific issue had been discussed throughout the whole world for years, and years, and it depends on the opinions of each and every one of us, to decide whether it is right or wrong to lie to others. Human has an instinct to lie. The definition of a lie is “an intentionally false statement”. In different situations, lies are used in different ways. There are lies called “white lies”, and ones called “dark lies”. “White lies” are tiny lies, and a rather helpful and

  • Why Is It Important To Lie?

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    It is not a secret that people usually lie a lot, and for some people it is part of their lives. People usually consider actors as liars because they usually change their behavior and faces. To provide the audience with the relevant information whether acting and lying are similar or different, the very concept of these two notions should be considered, compared and contrasted, and the results of the investigation may help us to answer the question. Considering the lying as the part of people’s

  • A Little Lie Essay

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    Sometimes a “little lie” could save a day. An old proverb says honesty is the best policy. I disagree with being honest at all times, even though being honest is a good thing to do. First, most people lie to prevent other people feelings from getting hurt. Second, people lie because of their customs and traditions. Last, secrets that people do not want other people to know, they got to keep the secrets safe. As can be seen, an old proverb says honesty is the best policy. I disagree with being honest

  • Why I lie

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    problems and issues she would probably think I was a freak. Yet when I walk out of the store, I don’t think to myself what a terrible liar I am. I lie continuously when I am at work, I may be pleasant and smiling, yet I’d rather be anywhere than there. I deceive my customers into thinking that I am enjoying my work, after all who wants a grumpy waitress. I often lie to my customers for example, when a customer asks me to recommend a healthy meal choice, I may reply that the salmon is healthy for you and

  • The Way We Lie

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    story of the boy who cried wolf. At least, that is the story which our parents and teachers tell us, so that we know the possible consequence of lying, and that we should not lie because it is a bad characteristic to develop. Despite having brought up the way we are, knowing that lying is not a good thing to do, people still lie. Furthermore, not all the consequences are all that bad, hence we probably still tell lies no matter how our conscience tells us to do otherwise. There are a few definitions

  • Why We Lie

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    individuals, is that all of them lie or in some way deceive others or themselves. It is seen that people are constantly lying, whether it is the smallest lie or even the largest. No matter how much a person remains truthful throughout their life there is a point where he or she lies. It is inevitable to avoid, people lie to gain something, to come into power, or to even mask the truth that they do not want others to hear (Bhattacharjee 1). It is seen in the two articles “Why We Lie; We like to believe that

  • Why Is It Important To Lie

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    acknowledges himself a liar.” – Mark Twain Lying is a common feature to human beings, and it plays an important role in allowing one to meet the expectations associated with the position that one occupies. Liars may differ in their motivation to lie, their preparedness to lie, or even the extent to which their lies will result in positive consequences for the relationship involved (Kraut, 1978). Lies can be beneficial, with no negative consequences, but other times they have catastrophic repercussions that

  • Definition Of Lie Essay

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    very despicable thing to do. Why is it people feel the need to lie? When a person lies there are consequences that both parties fall victim to. First, the liar feels ashamed and the victim feels their trust has been broken. The idea of trust is a valuable trait in a relationship. Trust will fail when lying occurs. A lie is a lie, no matter the reasons why it is said. What is a lie? There are many ways to define a lie; simply put a lie is something stated to another person where the information relayed

  • A Reader Response to The Lie

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    A Reader Response to The Lie Pleasing people and the pressure that comes with it.  This is a major factor in one's everyday life. Eli Remenzel, however, has been caught in the middle of just one of the many lies he will ever tell. It just happens to be that this lie was one that would make a lot of people disappointed. In the short story "The Lie", the parents, and Eli's actions make me angry.  However, I can definitely relate to what Eli is going through. To start with, I got extremely annoyed

  • The Importance Of Lie Essay

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    Baltasar Gracian, “A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity.” Over the course of human history, lying has become an essential part of everyday life. From the time of Jesus to the time of the Internet, people lie to each other in different ways and for different reasons. However, some people often abused the use of lies and allowed the lie to be snowballed until other people found out, causing them to face devastating consequences. Though it is important to lie when facing life threatening

  • The Ways We Lie

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    about the morality of lying, it is easy for one to condemn it for being wrong or even corrupt. However, those asked are generally guilty of the crime on a daily basis. Lying is, unfortunately, a normal aspect of everyday life. In the essay “The Ways We Lie,” author Stephanie Ericsson makes note of the most common types of lies along with their consequences. By ordering the categories from least to most severe, she expresses the idea that lies enshroud our daily lives to the extent that we can no longer

  • Summary Of The Ways We Lie

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    Introduction In The Ways We Lie, Stephanie Ericsson expresses the inevitability of lying and the way it is casually incorporated into our everyday lives. She personally brings light to all the forms of lying and some that are often not recognized as a lie. Ericsson questions the reasons and validity behind lies by highlighting the effects and consequences. Exemplification Ericsson clearly defines each type of lie with relatable anecdotes. She narrates each scenario of a lie, creating a personal connection

  • Analysis Of The Ways We Lie

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    In “The Ways We Lie,” by Stephanie Ericsson, she defines various types of lying and uses quotations at the beginning of each description as a rhetorical strategy. Throughout the reading she uses similar references or discussion points at the beginning and ending of each paragraph. Most believe lying is wrong, however, I believe lying is acceptable in some situations and not others when Stephanie Ericsson is asked, “how was your day.” In “The Ways We Lie,” she lies to protect her husband’s feelings

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Telling a Lie

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    it has some advantages, they lie frequently to solve problems. In spite of advantages of telling a lie, there are several disadvantages too. First, telling lies helps to conceal bad news and avoid negative reaction from others, including punishment. For example, children lie not to make parents angry. According to Michael Brody, M.D., a child psychiatrist in Potomac, Maryland, if a child breaks a vase, and when you ask who has broken the vase, the child can tell a lie. In addition, Dr. Brody says