Healthy Eating Habits In America

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Currently the United States is “home to the highest number of overweight and obese people in the world” (Matthews). Eating healthy is a struggle most Americans deal with. Though struggles do happen along the way, it is beneficial for one's self and the society we live in to eat healthy. If we carefully help others around us, it is inevitable that your peers will start picking up on the minor changes in your eating style. Influencing others to create overall healthy habits eventually leads to healthy lifestyles.
Healthy habits come from the people who influence us. Growing up I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I was never happy with the way I looked or the way I felt. In my late teen years, my sister begun going through the beginning …show more content…

Without my sister, I would not have been in the success boat I am today. She taught me about over-eating, macro- counting, and meal preps. This impacted me greatly because even though my sister and I never saw eye to eye on food options, I finally understood why she did what she did. Something I had never taken interest in before was grocery shopping and now we bond over it. Beneficial points to creating a healthy lifestyle include healthy hearts, prevention of type two diabetes, strong bones, and weight control (“Health benefits”). Unfortunately with American society, healthier foods are more expensive along with more fattening. Americans obesity rates top every other country in the world. It has become culture to get what’s convenient with our everyday schedules. With growing numbers in obesity, it is important to influence the people around us to take minor steps toward a healthy lifestyle. It is true, if you eat hot dogs every day you will become just as fatty as the food you consume. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be pure veggies and that’s what many don’t understand. Branching off into different food groups and watching how much you consume can really make the difference. It doesn’t take much to substitute dressing on the side of salads instead of drowning them, completely taking the nutritional value away. With that being said, just one perspective can change the mindset of thousands of

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