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Parental behavior in child development
The role of discipline in a child's development
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My prior understanding of discipline was uneducated and inaccurate. I was certain that discipline was related to punishment and the goal was to have a particular unwanted behavior to cease. A child that required discipline would be singled out, scolded, forced to perform a chore or action, such as sit for a time out, or the child would have something taken away, such as television or toys. As a child, I grew up in a household with parents who were primarily authoritative. They tended to be fair; however they did use punishment through "grounding", which generally meant that we were not able to engage in fun for set period of time. Other times, we were instructed to perform some sort of labor of their choice, such as washing my Dad's car. I rarely misbehaved in school due to the fact that I was extremely shy, so I lacked the need for negative discipline however I can clearly recall other children being told put their heads down, sit in the back of the room or move to the hallway when the teacher would become exhausted with their continuous misbehavior. I became aware that many people including the parents of students still validate these tainted forms of discipline and may require some edification on the behalf of the teacher to discover more appropriate methods of discipline (EDC, personal communication, October 13, 2011). As my education with the childcare field strengthens, I have discovered that guidance is the appropriate method to be used to reach the goal of harmony in the classroom. "Guidance means creating a positive learning environment for each child in the group" (Gartrell, 2004, p. 21) With the use of guidance and a democratic classroom, children feel important and have greater respect for their teacher, whi... ... middle of paper ... ...ng, and walking in safe, open areas while also providing children with the ability to safely push, pull, roll, and climb (Marion, 2012, p. 108). Younger children are just developing their gross motor skills and tend to fall or bump themselves, so furniture must be safe and low to the ground. Because the children in a daycare are so young, there is a higher risk of injury if the environment is not accommodating. In a school classroom, the majority children are sturdier, have more advanced gross motors skills, as well as prior knowledge about certain dangers, so while precautions have to be taken, they are not as extreme. Bibliography Gartrell, D. (2004). The power of guidance, teaching social-emotional skills in early childhood classrooms. Belmont, CA: Delmar Marion, M. (2012). Guidance of young children. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc
Nelsen, J., Lott, L., & Glenn, S. (2000). Positive discipline in the classroom developing mutual respect, cooperation, and responsibility in your classrooms, 3rd ed. (p. 120). Roseville, Califonia: Prima Publishing.
(1) The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, or CSEFEL, is a training model designed to provide teachers with curricula and skills to promote social-emotional learning in their preschool classrooms in order to prevent challenging behaviors (CSEFEL, n.d.). I interviewed Dr. Mary Louise Hemmeter, who is the principle investigator at CSEFEL at Vanderbilt University. This center works with child care programs, preschools, and Head Start programs to prepare children for the transition into kindergarten, where self-regulatory and social-emotional skills are necessary (Hemmeter, Ostrosky, & Fox, 2006). This program promotes social-emotional skills for all children in the classroom to prevent challenging behaviors, and
Raising a child is a challenging life task that is given over to individuals all over the world without an instruction manual. People must learn by experience how to nurture, care for, and provide for miniature versions of themselves for almost two decades in most cultures! Discipline plays a major role in raising a child because most parents truly want what is best for their children and want them to grow up to be responsible, respectable, and successful adults; however, in some unfortunate cases, parents misinterpret the term discipline and in turn end up abusing their children. The question becomes, is there truly a difference between discipline and abuse? And if so, what is it? With education, individuals can learn how to properly distinguish between discipline and abuse and realize that there is a clear black and white difference between the two. The origin of the word discipline stems from the Latin word disciplina, which means “instruction [or] knowledge” (“Definition of discipline”, n.d.). As stated in the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of the word discipline is “the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, [or] using punishment to correct disobedience” (“Definition of discipline”, n.d.). According to WebMD, a website that is visited and seen by millions of people in the United States every day, discipline is “the process of teaching your child what type of behavior is acceptable and what type is not acceptable. In other words, discipline teaches a child to follow rules” (“Child Discipline Methods”, n.d.). It even goes on to state that “it sounds so straightforward, yet every parent becomes frustrated at one time or another with issues surrounding children and discipline” (“Child Discipline Metho...
Landy, S. (2002). Pathways to competence: Encouraging healthy social and emotional development in young children. Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes Publishing.
Kramer, T. J., Caldarella, P., Christensen, L., & Shatzer, R. H. (2010). Social and Emotional Learning in the Kindergarten Classroom: Evaluation of the Strong Start Curriculum. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37(4), 303-309.
Early childhood reveals a distinctive opportunity for the foundation of a healthy development and a time of immense growth and of helplessness. In early childhood, children begin to learn what causes emotions and begin noticing others reactions to these feelings. They begin to learn to manage and control their feelings in self regulation. Emotional self regulation refers to the strategies used to adjust emotions to a contented level so goals can be accomplished. This requires voluntary, effortless management of emotions (Berk, 2007). Promoting young children’s social-emotional development is essential for three interconnected reasons: Positive social-emotional development provides a base for life-long learning; Social skills and emotional self-regulation are integrally related to later academic success in school, Prevention of future social and behavioral difficulties is more effective than later remediation (U.S Department of Health and Human Services). Research on early childhood has highlighted the strength of the first five years of a child’s life on thier social-emotional development. Neg...
When discipline is used correctly it can help guide somebody develop socially acceptable patterns of behavior. Discipline also teaches people about their mistakes, how to problem solve, and deal with their emotions in a correct way. Punishment is when the person who gives out the discipline, feels like the one being discipline has given a negative response to the discipline. Punishment c...
The word discipline is defined as imparting knowledge and skill, to teach. Discipline is used by parents to teach their children the correct way to behave. They need to be given constant discipline to be taught right and wrong and it can involve rewards and punishments to teach self control and increase desirable behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviour. Though the purpose of child discipline is to develop desirable behaviour and social habits, the ultimate goal is to create sound judgement and morals so that the child develops and maintains self disciple throughout the rest of their lives.
Social and emotional learning is defined by Zins, Bloodworth, Weissberg and Walberg (2004, p. 4) as ‘the process through which we learn to recognize and manage emotions, care about others, make good decisions, behave ethically and responsibly, develop positive relationships, and avoid negative behaviours.’ Schools need to reflect and help in the social and emotional development of children to meet the expectations within their community. By integrating thinking, feeling and behaving it is possible to achieve these important life tasks.
...m him or her into anything from being a lawyer to a doctor.” Based on this statement and my own observations, I strongly believe that the environment that surrounds him will prepare him for a better future in life. Since there are a variety of developmental classroom levels he can move to, he can gradually accomplishes the milestones of development as well as learning how to interact and share with others. Doing this observation assignment at the Martin Luther King Jr. elementary school helped me to understand child development in a new perspective. The classroom environment where I did my observations would not have been possible if it were not for the teachers who provided a soothing, safe, and caring environment with brilliant colors for early childhood children. This room truly is a place where children do develop and grow in all three domains of development.
The job of a teacher is never easy but we have seen how cooperative discipline and enabling students to feel capable, connected and contributing can improve classroom management and maybe even our own moods. If we create an environment of mutual respect and give our students legitimate power of voice and choice in the classroom we will see positive results in improved student behavior and student achievement. Because when our students believe that they can succeed, they will.
Positive Discipline is a concept that can be extremely misinterpreted and when it is misused it can cause more harm than good. A common form of discipline for children is punishment and it is widely used because it is the believed to be very effective. “However, discipline comes from the Latin word discipulus or disciplini, which means a follower of truth, principle, or a venerated leader” (Nelson, pg. 15). Punishment in itself is not a positive method nor is it a positive form of leadership to follow or exert. (Quote) By eliminating punishment, using the kind but firm technique, and having mutual respect, child abuse can be significantly reduced or even prevented.
Punishing children is a controversial topic, with supporters and opponents on both ends of the spectrum. It revolves around the aspect of ethics and practical steps that can be taken to work on the behavior of the children and their relative discipline in the school and at home. Punishment is seen as a way of helping them cope with their behavioral problems and provoking them to become obedient and submissive. The different views regarding their idea of punishment and its effects on learning are divided between people, and the perspectives vary from one another drastically.
Discipline is intended to cease misbehavior in the classroom. Effective classroom management procedures contribute to an environment that enhance learning and reduce discipline problems (Edwards, 2004). The goal of discipline is to help students learn to control their own behavior. Effective teachers apply various disciplinary techniques that help in curtailing misbehavior and promote self-discipline in students (Charles, 1996). Effective discipline is emotionally disconnected from student actions (Henley, Ramsey and Algozzine, 1999). According to Dreikurs, discipline is a process in which students learn to impose reasonable limits on themselves (Charles, 1996).
Sometimes this can be done too harshly, but I do believe that it has to be done for children to learn what is right or wrong. I feel as though I have not ever been disciplined that often, but I have or I would not be where I am today. Discipline often has a negative connotation, but it should not. It can be done without “harming” or having to spank/paddle children. Being examples of what is and is not allowed goes a long way. Another thing that comes to mind is having your children know what your expectations are. If they know what they are then they can strive to do that. Sometimes they might need guiding along the way. The guidance can just be