Goal Reflection

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I. My goal was to change my physical activity behavior by performing at least 30 minutes of cardio, at least three times a week. I was not completely successful as I did not meet my goal for the first two weeks, but I did meet my goal for the latter half of the project. The hardest part for me was just starting and getting into a routine. But once I got into a routine I actually started looking forward to when I would go workout and used it as a way to take a break from homework or studying and as a way to energize myself. I want to continue with my behavior change even after these four weeks, so I would say it was successful in that aspect.
II. I did not account for unexpected factors when I made my plan, but I actually ended up getting a …show more content…

Getting sick was very inconvenient because it prevented me from being able to perform cardio exercise, hindering my progress towards my goal. However, as soon as I was recovered enough to exercise, I proceeded in maintaining the goal I had set out to achieve. After getting better I was able to reach my goals for weeks three and four.
III. One strategy I used in my goal was shaping. I set the goal of exercising for 15 minutes each time during week one, 20 minutes during week two, 25 minutes during week three, and finally reaching my goal of 30 minutes for week four. I liked this strategy and think it was both helpful and effective because it allowed me to work up to my goal, without starting so abruptly. Because I worked up to my goal in steps, it seemed less daunting, and was easier to achieve. I also used environmental controls by adding positive stimuli to my environment in the form of my goal chart. Seeing the goal chart …show more content…

I monitored my progress using a calendar I made to mark down how frequently and how long I exercised for each week. I think this calendar was very useful as it provided a week view, allowing me to see how much time I had left each day to complete my weekly goals. I also placed my calendar above my desk so that I saw it everyday and was reminded of my behavior change plan. Seeing the calendar everyday was really helpful. Being able to physically mark down my accomplishments was also really motivating. Not only seeing what I had left to do, but seeing what I had already done was very encouraging and only made me want to keep up with my

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