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Coaching and development
Coaching and development
Coaching and development
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What are the features of a good coaching programme? Introduction The main objective of this essay is to identify features of a good coaching programme aligned with theoretical framework which would help to identify the desired outcome. Although there are plenty of areas to exert coaching, the focus of this essay will be within the scope of organisations. It shall explain the purpose of coaching, its development and a brief description of a few characteristics that have to be considered in a coaching programme. Furthermore, it exemplifies and evaluates one approach, that could be applied in a coaching programme in organisations. Coaching Programmes and its features applied to the workplace In the 1960’s and 1970’s organisations …show more content…
The essence of coaching is to evoke people’s potential in order to maximise their performance to reach their goals and aims for learning rather than teaching people (Flaherty, 2010). Coaching is aimed to show coachees to stay focus-oriented on their accurately defined goals and achieving them (Ives & Cox, 2012). Research shows that coaching is one of the most powerful tools and elements in the workplace to gain extraordinaire results on performance (Lee, 2003) and has become a multi-billion dollar industry in the last decades (Pardey, 2007). Passmore (2010) describes coaching as a popular ‘intervention’ in organisations which has great impact on individual’s behaviour that effects the organisation they work in …show more content…
After setting parameters for organisational needs, great attention must also been paid towards an individual’s learning needs (Caplan, 2003). Aim of the analysis is conducting the gap between required performance and its current stage together with clear goal-setting for the coaching to reach the desired achievement together with a cost-benefit-analysis. Looking at the costs highlights the advantages and disadvantages to adhere to the idea of a coaching programme and evaluate if it’s a useful tool (Palmer & Whybrow, 2008). Hence, any form of coaching has to merge the organisation’s strategy and goals which is crucial for any success (Gold et al.,
Coaching is an integral part of helping achieve one’s maximum abilities. Dr. Gawande (2013) explains that, “Coaches are not teachers, but they teach. They’re not your boss—in professional tennis, golf, and skating, the athlete hires and fires the coach—but they can be bossy” (p. 3). It is difficult to say what is the exact function of a coach, however, they help bring forth another point of view different from our own and they also help bring about the right mindset in order to subdue a weakness.
AC 2.4 Recognise any potential barriers to coaching in the workplace and explain suitable strategies to overcome these barriers. There are many potential barriers in the workplace that will stop coaching dead in its tracks if allowed to do so. These must be recognised and overcome where possible with a more “let’s not look for obstacles not to coach” and a more “let’s find a solution to do it” frame of mind! If you are working for a company where the leadership method is that of telling individuals how things are done and where “red tape” is key you will find that the company conflicts with the principles of coaching conflict.
Power is based on movement. It is the ability to move ideas, people or actions. Power can also be defined as currency. Power is like currency because it enables movement of ideas, people, and actions through making connections with or influence others. Power currency is worthwhile only if the other person values it. What is valued varies from individual to individual. It is imperative a strong understanding. This paper will attempt to describe the role of power currencies in the coaching process and how an action plan and feedback aid the coaching process.
As I have asserted, coaching is far more than winning or losing. A coach is an essential cog in shaping qualities such as sportsmanship, competitiveness, self discipline, and work ethic. A quality coach can build a player up while a bad coach can tear them down. My goal as a coach was to always leave the player striving to be the best they could be. A good coach
A proper coaching philosophy contains principles which improve character development, teach step by step tactical and technical skills, form proper progressive physical training regimens, and carefully utilize team management to handle and control problems with administrative issues. A coach with a sound philosophy should mold a team with strong cohesion, and he should treat players not only as teammates, but as family and friends who are encouraged to develop communication and lifelong learning of skills through positive support and role modeling from the coach (Mergelsberg, 14-15). The philosophy should also contain written documents of implemented strategies and techniques, so that the coach will know what to improve upon season by season
Gray Collins also focuses on how to evaluate coaching potential. The evaluation form is mending to help potential coach to make a decision on the possible success of a coaching relationship. A coac...
“Coaching is the universal language of change and learning” this is a quote from a TV organization known as CNN, showing that coaches and their ability of what they have the chance to do with their job is on of the most important and influential jobs that are in the world.
Coaching is not an easy task and figuring out the best way to lead and guide employees can be overwhelming and challenging. Alex is now in a position where she has to be a motivator, leader, and a coach to several employees. She needs to understand the concept of coaching and the behaviors that go along with her coaching style. The concept of coaching helps develop and grow employees to achieve performance improvement, but it also helps the managers see how the employees embrace their job tasks and asses their results in comparison to the overall mission of the company (Bawany, 2015). Therefore, Alex needs to look back at her previous managers and determine what qualities and behaviors they possessed in order to improve her performance. Also, she must look at what personality traits James has and look at his previous managers to see which manager coached James to perform the best while working for the company.
This statement confirms that the image of managing of BA’s change agents was coaching as they supported the employees to achieve the best results for the company.
Coaching, however challenging, is a great way to influence the lives of others while also building their character. For as long as there have been sports, there have been people teaching the sport to the players and making them better at it. Coaches must have certain qualities in order to obtain success. One must also look at a coach’s motivation for his job, his passion for what he does, his methods for coaching, and how he became a coach in order to fully understand him. There are many questions someone may want to ask a coach about his profession if they are interested in coaching.
Whitmore, J. (2009) Coaching for Performance: Growing Human Potential and Purpose. (4th Edition) London: Nicholas Brealey.
Flaherty, J. (2011). Coaching: Evoking excellence in others (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
In today’s society being a coach can be extremely complicated especially compared to earlier years. Coaching requires not only many technical and personal skills but also has to include positive psychology that will affect all athletes regardless of gender, age, and race. After reading various articles this leads me to the question, what is a coach? How do coaches differ from one another? In addition are we forgetting the importance of not only coaching but the sports psychology aspect of coaching overall? Regardless of what you may have read or heard I believe not only do all coaches have their own coaching style but every coaching technique and style is different. Coaching styles and positive psychology are two techniques that can provide
“People are remarkably bad at remembering long lists of goals. One may have learned this at a professional level when trying to get my high-performance coaching clients to stay on track; the longer their lists of to-dos and goals, the more overwhelmed and off-track they got. Clarity comes with simplicity.” As a child he always looked at being able to play or coach a sport at the professional level. For the reason of me just loving the game of Basketball. Also i know it will make an impact on lives because people look up to you and the money in make will give back to communities and change lives around you. The career of a Professional Coach is a challenging and fun career,because of the level of competition and it’s a dream job. The research will describe the career of
I wanted to start telling the story of our experience by sharing the feelings I brought into this exercise. A few years ago I underwent an experience of coaching through several sessions that left me this taste in the mouth that the coaching as a tool to develop others is not very effective. I have not taken the time to deeply analyze what went wrong but in general if I had to choose to do it again I think I would choose another methodology to foster change. Its objective in general is to assist in building behavioral skills, but in my opinion to really look for a long lasting change you need to give a deeper understanding to the lack of a certain skills, strongly reflect on the variables linked to it as could be the emotions, values and motivations that conduce you towards a behavior different that that one desired. Personally, I enjoy seeking information that allows me to jump beyond the facts, and staying on the behavioral side of the reality limits my passion for inspiration and insight.