Examples Of Sexism In The Help

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The film The Help explores the notion of women dealing with a variety of problems related to sex/gender and sexism, but their experiences differ due to race, class and age. Sexism is not created by law but enforced and created by society which change to what class and race you are in, a great example of this topic is the two main protagonist Skeeter and Aibileen who are the outcast to the social community that they belong to. The film shows the sexism within the southern parts of America and show us how the system works and how people obey the set rules. The Help challenges the ideas of sexism through the strengths and beliefs of people.
Although times have changed there are some sexism still going on but in just a different form.

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Aibileen has seen many the harsh side of life such as the death of she son. An example of this was when she was raising Mae Mobley which wasn’t the first child to be mistreated but was the first child she really felt a connection to protect her and this was seen when she was fired and was heart broken that she had to leave her because she knew that know that she is going to grow up to the norms to that of her people and will be forced to follow those norms. Also because she was already exposed to such environments for example for not already been potty trained or because she is a fat baby. Aibileen tried her best to protect from the harsh reality by being the mother Mae Mobley never really had. Aibileen want to raise Mae to love who she is and to teach her about racial equality. The director use colour to show the difference in class and race such as when showing a white community it's more colour and when you see the colour is more dull and never changing, which give different vibes such as when there is a colour it shows happiness and wealth and if it was dull it shows sadness and poverty. Thus, The

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