Educational Coaching Case Study

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What is one way to establish in goal setting and manifest in ways to make a difference in someone life? Educational coaching is correct. Coaching is a very panoptic occupation. Eyes are on every single move the coach’s make and can be scrutinized in any form or fashion. Their decisions mark a path for every athlete in any sport. A coach should set a great example and be responsible in preparing ethical behavior in not only themselves, but every coach in the future. According to Reade and Rodgers a study was taken place, specifically about the challenges they face upon throughout the entirety of their coaching experience. The group that was directed accomplished a beginning coaching course, but their experience is diverse in directing males …show more content…

Parents, media and administrators are present and very aware. According to Barney, if you are a coach, you should have the skills of deliberately knowing when and how to work with all ages depending on which sport (Barney, 2013). It takes an incredible amount of patience, time and skill in order to be effective towards the trainee and yourself. Coaches are here to help. To understand the importance of the job is the most important. Coaches are anticipated to model suitable manners at all times. Today we live in a world full of social media where any instance can be recorded in a second. All information can be with you or against you depending who published or post these instances. My opinion, it is easier today simply because the younger generation knows how to use a phone at a very young age. We have to not only worry about adults recording but middle age teens as well. Media is published and quickly spread in all …show more content…

We can follow statistics of a game in just 1 click. Coaches are always being watched and it is important they set good examples throughout their coaching career in everything they do. Present day coaches have been through issues such as good behavior, quality leadership management and balance. What better of a person to teach and relate these ideas to the future coaches? They will gain insight, observe and interact with a mentor. The educations of coaching behaviors are very important in any league. Mentor Coaching is where a student being coached on their particular skills rather than on balance and practice or other topics unrelated to the Improvement of a student’s coaching skill. Mentoring is also envisioned to serve as a growth progression for the student that takes place in a cycle of receiving criticism concerning student coaching, reflecting on this opinion and performing new skills. In this particular study, a series of chi-square analyses was conducted considering an amount of the characteristics of the coaches. The gender of the coach and the age. The level of official instruction and the coach’s total years of practice. The characteristics of the coaching context that were considered included the existing character of the coach such as head coach, assistant coach or both. Whether it is a team or individual sport coached, the level of competition of the athletes, the age groups of the athletes, the sex of the

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