Dress Code Petition

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Middle school. A time of change both emotionally and physically, as students try to find their true identity. The last thing anyone would want to put on teens is more stress with "fitting in". People want to express themselves through their clothes and the dress code at Harvest Park is preventing us from doing this.
In order to find an identity, a teen must be able to express his or herself. Ridiculous dress code rules are constricting this necessity. Isn't it odd that these rules were designed years ago and have not been adjusted to modern style. But why? Why were these rules made in the first place?
Hidden behind the dress code is the sexist reason for it. Apparently boys cannot seem to 'control' themselves so girls are forced to hide from men's 'gazes'. Is it my fault that the guy behind me will fail an exam because my bra strap is showing or that I'm wearing a razor-back style shirt? Or if a little bit of a bandeau (a strapless bra cover designed to prevent a bra being shown) is showing, no one will freak out. Girls are being taught that it is our fault that a boy is distract...

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