Dress code, probably one of the most talked about topics by teenagers. Most teenagers believe that dress code is “witless” or “incompetent”. Why do we think this? Well, most adults believe that keeping a strict dress code keeps us educated because apparently our clothes are “distracting”. Now I can see how wearing booty shorts and a tank top would be distracting, but how is wearing sweatpants distracting? If anything wearing sweatpants keeps us comfortable, because I know that being uncomfortable is way more distracting than wearing sweatpants. When I wear sweatpants I can lay back and relax while the teacher talks, but if I am uncomfortable I am more likely to move around and fidget with my clothes rather than listen to the lesson. Another “distracting” clothing that we wear that adults think is “too …show more content…
Us girls feel personally attacked by the dress code policies simply because even if so much as a centimeter of skin from under our jeans, or a portion of my bra strap is showing we get sent to the office and we are given the lecture of needing to keep a better image of ourselves, and being more conservative about our bodies. Well from coming from a girl's perspective, we feel like we have to bow down to the boys just because they think inappropriate thoughts if any part of a girls skin is showing. Well, we have society and adults to thank for this simply because when boys are caught doing something they aren't supposed to do or watch something they are not supposed to be watching, adults simply say, “Oh boys will be boys.”. Now adults have conditioned boys to think that thinking these thoughts is a way of life and that it is okay to think them just because they are boys. God made us girls the way we are for a reason, why are we letting guys discriminate us women in such a way that we basically have to dress like a boy in order to keep them from thinking these sinful
Do you expect a five-year old boy to be distracted by what a five-year old girl is wearing? Of course not. If you were to ask a child or teen what they thought about school, they would probably say that they dislike school for a multitude of reasons, two of them being: a misogynistic dress code and the stress of balancing schoolwork with the expectations of society. The American educational system is inadequate compared to countries like Finland in which the dress code is nonexistent and the curriculum is more flexible to human needs; it is imperative that we come together to assure Dr. Anna Hinton, director of innovation and improvement, that she can enhance the broken educational system.
"Dress Code!" MasterFILE Complete. Educational Leadership, Dec.-Jan. 2014-2015. Web. 18 Feb. 2016. This article comes from the point of view of a school principal Thomas R. Hoerr. Hoerr starts of with a comment that was made to him about a young girl and what she was wearing. The comment referred to her undergarments. The author continues to explain the two points he learned, and because of those points, he made his school a casual place. The dress code he established only proclaims to be “neat and clean.” The author saw no problem until the attire came so close as to be dressing at the beach, so he conducted a meeting with his staff and decided something should be said. When the author wrote the work dress guidelines, he got the input of the teachers and what should be expected by each guideline. However, the author only sent out the draft to people who had worked with him for fifteen or more years, so the question arose that the world is changing and he needed opinions from younger teachers. When he received feedback, he was questioned on if some codes really made a difference, and he made some changes. Next Hoerr tells his readers that when they give a restriction on something, they must have a rational reason why. Hoerr’s reason was that the school staff needed to have a professional experience, which make since because some students might not take their teacher seriously if he or she is dressed for bed. This article uses logos by appealing to logic on
In the 2015 article on The Atlantic on The Sexism of School Dress Codes, stating that "Many of these protests have criticized the dress codes as sexist in that they unfairly target girls by body-shaming and blaming them for promoting sexual harassment. Documented cases show female students being chastised by school officials, sent home, or barred from attending events like prom." (Zhou, l.) There are more dress code policies for the females compared to the males. For example, girls should not use backless shirts, no spaghetti tops, no crop-tops that exposes the stomach, no short shorts, no miniskirts, etc. Boys on the other hand have no specific dress code policies. Dress codes may come off as sexist for women and they get insulted by it. An article on the problem with dress code from The Daily Princetonian stating "- women are policed so that they are no longer distracting to men, while men, if policed at all, are never told to change for the benefit of the opposite sex. The most prominent example that comes to mind when thinking of male-specific supplements to dress codes relates to sagging pants, an urban trend where pants are worn low to expose many inches worth of boxers. Efforts to ban these practices have never once mentioned how visible boxers would tortuously distract nearby females. Rather, they focus on visible underwear being inappropriate for a learning or work environment.", based on that article, dress codes seem to be a little too specific on what girls should or should not be allowed to wear, while boys only have a few dress code policies to worry
School is something we all know and understand. Regardless of whether we wanted it or not, we have all passed through school. School is, first and foremost, a place designed for people to go and learn. It is a place to better yourself, to learn facts, discipline, to learn social and economic skills. But for all that school is intended for, people go for different reasons. Some are hardworking and academically minded, they go to learn, to set a good foundation for their future, with an aim of becoming successful and accomplished in their career. Others are carefree, going for the social side, to be popular, have lots of friends, and in the end just to have a good time. For others it can even be a place of safety, a place where they can get
Ensuing President Bill Clinton's State of the Union address in January of 1996, more and more public schools are implementing dress codes and uniform policies in their schools. As a result, there has been an increase in legal controversies dealing with the issue. The reason that dress codes are not conclusively enforced is due to the application of the First Amendment to juveniles in the public school setting. The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Should children in public schools be able to wear whatever they want because of the freedoms classified in the First Amendment? I feel that the answer is no. Institutionalizing dress codes in public schools would do a great good for students and the entire academic community. I base my opinion on the fact that the pros of imposing dress codes outweigh the cons of the argument. By imposing dress codes or uniforms for students, it would eliminate opportunities for the ridicule of less popular or less fortunate students based on their attire, help prevent gang violence and gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia in schools, and generate an overall better academic concentration and discipline in the educational community.
High school is typically a time when kids begin to distinguish themselves from one another. Students begin to develop their own sense of personal style, desperately trying to both fit in and stand out simultaneously. Being self-conscious and often lacking the confidence needed to assert themselves, teens are forced to use clothing and outward appearance as the means to manifest this individuality. Thus, students should not be forced to wear uniforms to school. Standard uniforms are unproven deterrents to student violence; are a "Band-Aid" to cover up the real problems faced by children and teens; and they violate students' right of self-expression, depriving them of their search for identity.
Society has taught people that they should be themselves and express their individuality. There are many people out there who think everyone should act and be the same because people get judged if they act or dress differently. Everyone is their own person and no one should have to conform to everyone else in society. The debate over whether or not uniforms should be required has been going on for years. Many schools have decided it is best to have uniforms when, in all honesty, uniforms make no difference in academic success or behavior of students. Just because someone wears a uniform does not make them any smarter of behave in a better manner. School uniforms should not be required, not only because they do not let students express themselves, but also they cost families more money and do not affect what goes on at school.
At the beginning of the 20th century almost no parent or faculty had any concerns with how students dressed to attend school. Nowadays, though, this is a giant concern among students, parents, and school board officials. Many arguments have been made over the matter saying uniforms should be required and enforced in schools. But, uniforms should not be required as they ultimately eliminate freedom of expression, promote conformity over individuality, may have a detrimental effect on students self image, emphasize the socioeconomic divisions they are supposed to eliminate, and lastly, school uniforms in public schools undermine the promise of a free education by adding an extra expense for families.
Choosing what to wear for the day. This is what most students are thinking about when they wake up. Students need the latest fashion in order to fit in, but some clothing may not be acceptable to wear in school. School dress codes are denying students their right to dress how they want, but the dress code is important for the students and their learning. Students are beginning to stand up and want to be heard. Some students are taking action and want the dress code to become less strict but some schools are doing the opposite for safety issues and for the students healthy learning environment. Dress codes are important for a strong and healthy learning environment and is also reducing violence in many schools around the country.
School Uniforms School uniforms are increasingly popular across the nation. In fact, it is a huge controversial argument of communities rejecting these mandated school uniforms in their schools. However, school uniforms are not meant to be a negative thing; in fact, they can be positive in many ways by: eliminating cliques, saving money for parents, and taking away the bullying from students less fortunate. Meanwhile, on the other side of the argument, people believe that school uniforms will violate students’ freedom of expression, create a financial burden on families, and uniforms will not alleviate problems. However, with a solution that would benefit both parties, the public school systems in Oklahoma City district would benefit greatly if this policy were adopted in all the schools; since, the district only has 74 public schools in uniforms, while 17 schools are not.
“We cannot forget that reinforcing economic differences drives students further apart when schools should be drawing them closer together.” There are many problems in public schools with no uniforms. The use of school uniforms could eliminate some of these problems. Although school uniforms may take away a child’s individuality, there are more benefits than disadvantages to having school uniforms in public schools because school uniforms lessen the money spent on the latest fashion trends and school uniforms provide a positive school climate.
Uniforms. Yay! What? Or a nay - ay? There is an unending discussion in schools across the country about school uniforms and whether or not they make for a better experience in school for the students or just the teachers.
A student’s high school career should be about discovering new knowledge and discovering who you are, not about what you wore. One rule that I would change at Ralston is the dress code policy. The dress code policy limits a student's right to express themselves, be comfortable in what they wear and ultimately put a higher value some students over others.
All individuals struggle with discovering who they are and who they may want to be in the future. School environment, either negatively or positively, impacts the result of this greatly. Uniforms in the learning environment have become a highly debated subject all across the country. Although some individuals believe school uniforms have a positive affect, those people should understand the negatives because uniforms promote appearance over character, lower student’s self-esteem, and conflict with the right of expression.
School Uniforms As the years go by numerous public schools are starting to drift into more of a private school concept. From the way that they run programs at public schools, to the way that have their students wear school uniforms. Many will argue that having students wear uniforms take away some of their rights and restrict students from freedom of expression; But when it comes down to it, is their freedom of expression really being taken away? Or are parents and students just over reacting because they aren’t getting what they want?