Donald Trump Research Paper

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Trumptastic Our very own billionaire and presidential candidate Donald Trump has said a great many terrible and hateful things during his campaign for the republican nomination. It has been a wonder how his very own PR group has fared with each in appropriate thing he has said or done, from saying all immigrants are rapists to supporting an ideal of America for Americans. It begs the question of whether the Public relations core of Trump's campaign is doing its job, or more appropriately whether there is anything that the group would do to back-track anything that Donald Trump says. After a quick google search you can find the head of Trump’s PR core, Ms. Hope Hicks. On the Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. homepage for Donald Trump’s campaign organizational structure, Ms. Hicks is the Press Secretary and Director of communications ( ). No one really knows what she does as before any announcement of Donald Trump running for a campaign she deleted all of her social media accounts, she is a ghost on the internet. However her lack of a social media presence does not mean she is lacking in experience and knowledge. Coming from a family of PR …show more content…

How can they deal with his blatant racist and isolationist view? It is unknown how Ms. Hicks has been able to deal with Trumps attitude, as there hasn’t been a statement from her on the subject of her corporate placement of Director of Communications or the Campaign placement of Press Secretary. However, Ms Hicks has been quoted as sending many emails when asked questions about Trump’s recent call for ‘shutdown’ of Muslims entering the US. When The Hill asked about if that statement would include American Muslims currently abroad, Hicks reportedly responded with a curt “Mr. Trump says, ‘everyone.’ ” ( ). Other than backing up everything that Donald Trump says the movements and waves created by Ms Hicks is not seen right away but is

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