Donald Trump Thesis

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Donald Trump: Billionaire President
Donald Trump is a successful businessman who has accomplished more than most people could ever dream of. He started in the real estate business and has his own university, appeared on a T.V. show, is a billionaire, has many golf resorts, and is the president of the United States. He is criticized for many of his comments and political views. Some of these views are him wanting to build a wall to protect the United States from illegal immigrants and drugs, wanting to replace The Affordable Care Act, and banning people from Muslim countries to keep out terrorists. Although Donald Trump is often viewed as a controversial figure, he benefitted the United States of America by improving and creating jobs, proving that non-establishment politicians can still win the presidency, and by making America safer.
Donald Trump is a dedicated businessman who wants to make America better. He was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York. His dad, Fred was a successful real estate developer, and his mom was a homemaker ( Staff). Trump went to military school from eighth to twelfth grade. However, in the Vietnam War, he was deferred from being drafted four times because he was a student and once because of medical reasons, so he never had to serve in the military …show more content…

The decision for success, for Trump, is work hard and be determined and you can achieve your goals. He has shown this hard working mentality as he was a businessman. He acquired many profitable properties and made smart decisions to eventually gain over a billion dollars. He also showed this determination as he was running for president. Although he was called an "unfit" president he still campaigned and won over the votes of many citizens. In the end, Trump won and his determination to succeed brought him to the White House. All people can learn from Trump because of his hard work and

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