Discuss Guidelines For Effective Coaching In Gymnastics

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Section A
Name and Discuss Guidelines for Effective Coaching in Gymnastics

For effective coaching in gymnastics one should follow a procedure:
1. Planning
2. Conducting
3. Evaluating

Before this procedure can be followed the coach should have knowledge.
• Sport-specific Knowledge o How to effectively teach new skills in a safe environment, taking in consideration of the physical preparation and previous skill requirements.
• Personal knowledge on participants o Their name, age, medical problems as well as their physical capability

To be an effective coach, one should be well organised and prepared for the training sessions during the day, week, term and year. In ones’ plan should also consist of the lesson content, awards and …show more content…

Ability to keep repeating an activity over a period of time, there are two types of endurance activities:

1) Aerobic Endurance
These activities are usually two minutes or longer, and is the capacity of the heart and lungs to keep the body in momentum for a long duration.

2) Anaerobic Endurance
Using a muscle without the use of oxygen and is usually an activity that does not exceed two minutes.

In gymnastics the athlete should be able to bare their own body weight in order to perform the required elements. The ability to perform a maximum muscular contraction which is extremely important, Strength though is the capability to apply force against a resistance. There are two types of Strength in gymnastics:

1) Relative Strength
2) Absolute Strength

The main areas a gymnast should have strength in is:
• Upper Limbs
• Shoulder Girdle
• Abdomen
• Hip and Back muscles
• Lower Limbs

Power is the rate of doing work and can be measured through force or velocity. This is a very important aspect for a high level performance gymnast as it involves both speed and strength. All dominant movement patterns involve power, therefore they can produce good lifts from the floor and

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