Developing the Mathematics Curriculum: Using ICT

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Developing the Mathematics Curriculum: Using ICT Choosing a project Through discussion with my mentor, it was preliminary decided that my ICT project will be on something to do with shapes. I then went away and came back with some more specific ideas. These were: * An introduction to geometrical properties of quadrilaterals * An introduction to geometrical properties of triangles * Reflection and Rotation * Angles Once I had my ideas, I asked the teachers in the department what they would prefer the resource to be. Most thought that reflection and rotation was easier to teach than the others, and that more resources were available to them for that area of mathematics. The general consensus was that either of the other three was fine. So I have chosen to base my resource on angles with some properties of quadrilateral and triangles as supplement to the angles work. A factor in this decision was that angles were a topic coming up in the scheme of work. My resource will probably end up not being one resource, but several that when used together, hopefully creates a good lesson or series of lessons. My mentor also added that my resource should be used on a Promethean interactive whiteboard, as the department were going to have two of them introduced into the department, and the teachers who were going to use them, are not very ICT literate and could find a good resource extremely useful. My target year group is year seven. However, the resource will also be inclusive. By this I mean it can be used with mixed ability groups and possibly older year groups too. It has to be a fun resource that will... ... middle of paper ... ...n rows. I was told that pupils behave better in rows. Perhaps so, but I am not sure that the learning is better in rows. Developing these resources, it was my natural reaction to develop resources that were to be used in groups. How can you expect pupils to fully engage and learn when you will not let them discuss and interact with the mathematics or each other? I have never understood why teachers still do not want pupils to talk about mathematics. The Bob and Weave also said that you need to be able to link facts to other concepts and ideas to enable you to learn. Surely working on activities in groups is a sure way of opening a pupil up to different ideas and concepts that other pupils have. Overall, I think the more group activities the better, and that ICT is a powerful tool, but only when used in the right way.

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