Deception Getting Out Of The Box Summary

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The book I am witting my review on is called Leadership and Self Deception: Getting Out of the Box and was written by The Arbinger Institute. The book came from the ideas of C. Terry Warner, a U.S. philosopher. The Arbinger Institute is a management training and consulting firm that works with companies and individuals to help them improve both their businesses and lives. The book is easy to read; it is written in a novel form. The main character in the book name is Tom, he is a recently-hired mid to upper level manager at the company called Zagrum. Within the book Tom mainly interacts with two others– Bud, his boss who is an executive vice president of the company, and Kate, the president of Zagrum’s. Both Kate and Bud take time out of their …show more content…

It comes from seeing others as objects, as “things” that either help or prevent our own progress. The deception is that we think we are more important than other people and that their only here to help us self-actualize. But, we deceive no but ourselves when we think if we want to fix relationships with others that we think are stained or is failing then that it is the other person who needs to fix themselves. Self-betrayal happens, according to the Arbinger, when we as a person are not true to that part of ourselves that is self-centered. In the book an example is given on how self-betrayal occurs. I’ll sum of that example. At night while a husband and wife are sleeping. The husband awakens when the infant in the other room starts to wail. The husband’s first idea is to get up and get the child before his wife awakens; considering that she works hard all day and needs all the rest she can get. The husband’s next idea however is that he works hard all day as well and has to get up early for a meeting. “Why should I get up? My responsibility is to go to work and earn money so that we can have a decent living. I need all the rest I can get so I can function on the job – I have a big project to complete tomorrow. [Baby continues to cry]. Why doesn’t my wife get up and get that infant? Doesn’t she understand I need to get sleep? I know that she’s awake at this point.

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