Cramming Creates More Harm than Good

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Imagine studying for a biology exam that covers ten chapters. Imagine opening the textbook for the first time the night before the exam. Imagine skimming page after page and trying to retain all the information while, at the same time, trying to get at least 9 hours of sleep. The truth is that that is nearly impossible. The brain cannot memorize ten chapters worth of information in one night. And there are not enough hours in one night to memorize ten chapters while still obtaining 9 hours of sleep. As a result, it is crucial that students spread out their studying over several nights. The problem is that most students have busy schedules and tend to procrastinate; therefore they are forced to cram for their exams the night before. Cramming for exams has numerous negative effects, such as lack of sleep, lower grades, and poor health.
Lack of sleep is one effect of cramming for exams. Students spend all night cramming their brains with the information, which leaves little time or no time to sleep. On average students receive 7 hours of sleep per night; yet, doctors say that students n...

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