Coop Experience Reflection Paper

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I feel that this Coop experience was a great way for me to reflect on my abilities to be a quality educator. I feel that I would have gotten more out of this Coop experience if our school year would have ended a little later, but overall, I think I received a lot from this time. My Coop was at my work at Head Start PDPY in North Platte. The center is a newly renovated room, so it is nice and clean with lots of storage space. Overall, I really enjoy working in the space because it is convenient and although it is small, we are able to make it work well. I felt that I grew as a professional and educator during the time at my coop. There were some specific things that I really felt I grew on as I was co-teaching my preschool children. This quarter …show more content…

There has definitely been a lot of stressors that have shaped me into a better professional and educator. I have overcame being displaced in a temporary room with little to know supplies for 3 months, being interim Head Teacher for 1.5 months while still performing all my Teacher Assistant duties, training and working with 2 new staff as well as personal issues going on as well. I have overcome everything. I believe now that I can tackle whatever life throws at me. This quarter, I believe that I became a better educator by increasing my abilities to individualize learning and development, being more focused on how children learn instead of what they learn, and learning techniques and practices I can put into effect next year as an educator. I definitely feel like a better educator after learning from this program. I have the ability to be patient when children are having negative behaviors. I have grown into a professional improvising in situations, and I definitely have a lot of knowledge about how children learn. The best part of my experience has been working with other professionals that I now call colleagues. I realize that networking with other agencies is the best way to accomplish goals for children. I have learned so much from working with people outside of Head Start and my other practicums. I have full confidence in my abilities to teach and educate children, as well as administrate. With my education, and experience I know that I am now a quality educator and can perform any job with

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