PTA Personal Statement

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Personal Statement Letter
Life is a journey paved with colorful experiences. Mine have lead me on a path to helping others. Continuing my education in a subject that I find fascinating has brought me incredible fulfilment. My goal is to complete The Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology program.
I was fortunate to attend two amazing institutions with incredible programs, Centralia College and Washington State University Vancouver. Centralia College provided me with an opportunity to demonstrate the strength of my skills through a six month research based project with the goal of improving training at the Writing Center. The Independent Project enabled me to strengthen my professional skills through interviewing, writing center directors …show more content…

Volunteering at a children’s crisis treatment facility, volunteering with Special Olympics, coaching children’s sports teams for 10 years and working as a substitute education assistant has increased my understanding of childhood development. Grandmound Elementary School provides me with opportunities to strengthen my leadership and collaboration skills, through teaching art (as a volunteer) to the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade and serving as PTA president. I was able to implement many enriching opportunities for students in areas of art, science, and reading. I learned to work as a team, set targets, achieve goals, give and receive guidance. Participating in these activities has confirmed that working with families and particularly children are my purpose.
Helping children and families through mentorship and guidance has been extremely fulfilling for me. Completing my Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy will strengthen my ability to make a significant impact on people’s lives. I would especially like to provide services to rural areas where support may not be available or limited. Through a strong education, vast life experience and excellent training I will be better prepared to assist individuals and families achieve their highest

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