Como Agua Para Chocolate

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My family only speaks one language - Spanish. Spanish is a bit confusing for me now because I speak two languages both Spanish and English. When I talk to my parents I combine the languages into what most people refer to as “Spanglish”. My mom corrects me in Spanish all the time because I’m used to English language better than Spanish. She starts arguing with me about working on pronunciation and learning how to read in Spanish. My mom insisted that I read a book in Spanish. In the Summer of 2014, my mom handed me a book called “Como Agua Para Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel. I read this book in high school my sophomore year In my English class “Like Water for Chocolate”. The good thing is that I knew what this book was about so in …show more content…

Before I would summarize what I read to my mom, I practiced by myself what I was going to tell her first. I would practice my pronunciations in Spanish before talking to her. She was waiting for me in the kitchen and I started summarizing what I read. When I was talking, my mom gave me a smile when I was presenting so I thought I was doing great. She kept nodding her head to everything I was saying and sometimes she even gave me weird faces, maybe because sometimes I would be off topic most of the time. When I finished presenting, my mom was impressed but she corrected me in the words I couldn’t pronounce. Every chapter I would summarize what I read, my mom gave me compliments of how I was improving. We would both talk about the book. I finished the book and my mom was impressed by the improvement I’ve made. It was time for us to watch the movie. Once we watched the movie, we both agreed that the book is way better than the movie. I started my Senior year and surprisingly I had to take Spanish Native as one of my courses. Days went by with my Spanish class and I was able to read and write in Spanish in no time, thanks to my mom. She was able to help with my reading and pronunciation before it was too late. If it wasn’t for her, I would of failed my

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