German language Essays

  • Globalization and the Anglicising of German Culture and Language

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    “Germarican” Media     6 “Denglish” – The German Youth Language     7 Conclusion     8 Works Cited     9 Rough Draft     11 Peer Editing Sheets     17 Topic     19 Working Title     20 Thesis Statement     21 Outline     22 Abstract     24 Working Bibliography     25 Preface To begin with, I would like to introduce the term anglicism. An anglicism is a word from British or American English used in a non-English language (Yang 7). Today, our world is closer

  • Difficult Dialects: Pennsylvania Dutch

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    a significant impact on the English language of the Pennsylvania area. Study of Pennsylvania Dutch is difficult for researchers because of the scarcity of books printed in it. The language had been preserved largely by word of mouth and lacks a traceable history through written works, making it difficult to trace its development (Follin, 1929, p. 455). However, what there has been much research on is how it differs from modern German, also called High German, and also how Pennsylvania Dutch and

  • The Man In The High Castle Chapter Summary

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    consistent customer of Robert Childan. Robert Childan is a tradesman who sells American antiques to the rich Japanese. Mr. Baynes is a German spy set on preventing a war between Germany and Japan. Although he is German, he strongly dislikes the Nazis. Juliana Frink is the ex-wife of Frank Frink. She is incredibly attractive however unstable and scared. Joe Cinnadella in a German assassin set on killing the author of The Grasshopper Lies Heavy. He becomes the lover of Juliana Frink in an attempt to get close

  • Anselm Kiefer

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    Joseph Beuys who is another German artist (Safra pg.139). In the painting March Heath Kiefer uses a variety of color. However the color’s that are used are dark colors and earth tone color. The center of this painting is the road that vanishes into the background. It is obvious that Kiefer wanted this to be the main object of the painting. Where the road vanishes is in the center also. However Kiefer does not tell us where the road leads. At the bottom of the painting the German words “Markische Heid”

  • Alsace

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    Including the Franks, Celts, the Alemannic tribe and not to mention the Nazis and the Third Reich led by Adolf Hitler. With so much history the country has a large population base of Germans. The area itself speaks its native French language with a somewhat German accent. Its structures and clothing were traditionally of German roots, as well as its food. However the beautiful province of Alsace still holds true to its French ways none the less. The Alsatian love their wines and cheese dishes just as much

  • Time's Arrow by Martin Amis

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    Time's Arrow by Martin Amis Life is no bowl of cherries. Sometimes you can't explain everything. You just can't, and Martin Amis knows this. Time's Arrow is a book on the holocaust. There is nothing new about its material, and it makes no attempt at explaining anything. So why bother reading (or writing) it? What separates this book from your average "holocaust book" is that this really will, as it says on the backcover, present you with a "different" perspective. Time's Arrow is not your

  • Wal-Mart International Success and Failure

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    such as management who already know the culture (2). Wal-Mart spends lots of time researching and planning before entering a new market. It sometimes takes years to open in a new market overseas (Class notes). First they try to learn the culture, language, and habits of the citizens of a certain culture. Then they study the products which seem to do well in each different are and try to target these products for these cultures at low prices worldwide (Class notes). In the past two decades Wal-Mart

  • English Grammatical Categories

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    The words of every language are divided into several word classes, or parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs and adjectives etc. The words of a given class exhibit two or more forms in somewhat different grammatical circumstances. These forms are not interchangeable and each can be used only in a given grammatical situation. This variation in form is required by the existence of a grammatical category applying to that class of words. Thus a grammatical category is "a linguistic category which has

  • The Ugly American: A Fictional Story with a Nonfictional Message

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    will discuss is understanding the operational environment. The Honorable Louis Sears was the American Ambassador to the country of Sarkhan. He was disliked by the Sarkhanese because his manners annoyed them and he only knew a few words of their language. Those characteristics led the Sarkhanese to believe that he was stupid and their editorial cartoons reflected that. Louis Sears is a good example of not understanding the operational environment. Had he understood the operational environment

  • Border Crossing Experience

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    So for the next two weeks I was going to be traveling a foreign country with no knowledge of the home language. This idea was a bit nerve racking but then it was exciting at the same time. As the days went on we began to do some traveling to nearby towns and locations. What I discovered in this border crossing experience was the difference in the neighborhoods

  • Benito Mussolini Primary Sources

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    Evaluation of Sources Source D Source D is an extract from an online encyclopedia that gives information about how Italy operated under Mussolini. The entire text is in the Appendix. Origins: Source D is a secondary source from an online encyclopedia. The encyclopedia focuses on the rise of Benito Mussolini and how Italy functioned under Benito Mussolini. Value: Source D is about how Mussolini was able to control information and media from the people of Italy. Source D clearly illustrates that

  • Aphrodite Invocation

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    Oh Muse! With visions Thou hast filled my soul, With visions overpowering, for Thou Hast shown me Golden Aphrodite; now The blaze emboldens me; like coal To brighter burning fanned by Breath Divine, The Cyprian enflameth me with words, Seductive sounds, which swiftly would entwine My soul, as lime-twigs trap unwary birds. An Ancient Poet* spake the truth; he said When Cypris cometh swift, high-spirited Just like a Hero -- irresistible Her onslaught, nor may anyone annul Her summons; flouting Her

  • Wedding Toasts to the Bride and Groom

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    Wedding Toasts to the Bride and Groom The Upper Hand The following tidbit began a wonderful and personal toast to the bride and groom: "John, take Emily's hand and place your hand over her's. Now, remember this moment and cherish it... because this will be the last time you'll ever have the upper hand!" Toilet Roll Let us all hope and pray that your married life is like this toilet roll - soft, strong and ever so long. Never Lie, Cheat, and Drink May you never lie, cheat or

  • German Spirit

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    lies on the boundary between two German states which we of the younger generation at least have made it our life work to reunite by every means at our disposal. German-Austria must return to the great German mother country, and not because of any economic considerations. No, and again no: even if such a union were unimportant from an economic point of view; yes, even if it were harmful, it must nevertheless take place. One blood demands one Reich. Never will the German nation possess the moral right

  • Compare and Contrast Lorraine Jenson and John Conlan

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    How much in common do you think Lorraine Jenson and John Conlan have? How many differences do you think Lorraine Jenson and John Conlan have? Well you are about to find that out. In the book The Pigman, written by Paul Zindel, there are two characters, Lorraine and John in which i am comparing and contrasting. Even though Lorraine doesn't seem like as though she has alot in common with John they can be alike and different in the littlest things possible, such as in physical appearance, in thier behavior

  • Nonverbal Communication In German Culture

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    difference in culture. German culture differs a lot from American culture when it comes to nonverbal communication, concepts of personal space, personal titles and their concepts of time.

  • Essay On Progressive Tense

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    (e.g.: I can give you a lift. I... ... middle of paper ... ...screpancies. English and German are most similar in their use of the simple present and future, although the pragmatic uses of the future tense are not identical. The major dissimilarities are displayed in relation to the categories of Perfect and Progressive. First, the Perfekt vs. the Presect Perfect opposition makes it clear that the German present perfect tense has an ambiguous temporal reference, covering not only the prototypical

  • Persuasive Essay On I Have A Dream Speech

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    Martin Luther King, Jr. in his persuasive speech, I Have a Dream (1963) argues for the equal constitutional rights for all races not just one. He addresses the nation about his cause for equality and that it was time for them to now “cash a check” that would bring equality for black and white men. He supports his claim by first outlining the cause that he is advocating and the right to equality among all men and women of all races, then he speaks out against the hate and violence in the nation that

  • Oktoberfest's Influence On American Culture

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    German culture is currently built on two things: Working hard and Partying harder. A perfect example of this part of the culture is Oktoberfest, a 16 – 18-day festival from late September to early October. The festival began in the early nineteenth-century in Munich, Germany and continued on in Germany as well as in many other countries. This is thanks to German immigrants, taking a bit of their own county with them when they left. Because of this Oktoberfest is no long only a German affair, there

  • Informative Essay: Germany's Modern Day Culture

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    into the AD period. Germany has a plethora of religious, geographical, cultural, social and military history. These things, plus many more qualities, have set the foundation for its modern-day culture. Religion is instilled as a key part of the German culture and foundation for the people who settled there. Around A.D. 350, the visigothic