Community Interview Essay

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~ ENJOY THE TOWN ~ Connect with the community in different ways. “Have You Ever Taken The Time?” While in graduate school, I lived close to downtown Ann Arbor. One evening I decided to go walking. I didn’t want to pick up any women or, get any phone numbers. I didn’t necessarily want to know, or remember the names of anyone I’d meet. I wanted to enjoy the environment, the ambiance — the mood of downtown Ann Arbor. I met people. We talked and walked some, waved and said goodbye. Whenever I am downtown, I still reflect on the mood of that evening. Do not disturb anything simply enjoy a moment in time. “Take a Walk through the Family Photos” In the old days, families would hang pictures around the house on the walls. With our computer and digital age, that way of life has all but disappeared. In my home, we’ve returned to the idea for this reason, and we offer it to you as well. With the hustle and bustle of family in the twenty-first century, compromise, strategic planning, and creative thinking is an understatement! I, in particular, have found spending five to fifteen minutes looking at a family member’s picture can reacquaint, set strategies for growth, and provide spiritual insights for a better relationship. Look at that face. That girl could be president! …show more content…

We enter places and look around, but we don’t encourage. What if it happened that the fans entered the stadium, watched the game, but did not say a word? We must learn to encourage, support, and pray in hopes of everyone reaching their goals. Sometimes, encouragement is better than

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