Project citizen essay

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Do you want the best safety in your school? School safety is not that safe in a lot of schools. There are schools that are getting in trouble because of bad school safety. Our project will help many kids. Project citizen helps the school and the community.
Project citizen is a project where you help the school and the community with certain problems. Our project citizen is to help with school safety. There are four keys that lead us to success in project citizen. They are work hard, do the right research, work as a team and be organized. They are also four steps to project citizen.The first one is to identify the problem in the school or the community. The second step is to research the problem. The third step is to evaluate possible solutions. The last step is to develop public privacy. This is what project citizen is about.
Project citizen last year was about cleanliness in the school. Last year they tried to make the paper towel rolls more clean because that is the most gross part in the bathroom. A couple of years ago the project citizen was recycling and it helped landfills. This year our project citizen is about school safety. Our five subtopics are building safety,drill safety, concussion safety, technology safety and social and emotional safety. Safety means the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury. Security means the state of being free from danger or threat.
Edgewood has a lot of security systems in the school. Edgewood has a total of 25 fire alarms. Edgewood has 5 stairwells and they are marked by letters so it is easy to escape in an emergency. There are 22 total exits in case of fire. In the school there are 70 staff so the school runs correctly. There are cameras surroun...

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