College Essay About Graphic Design

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In an article from the American Association of Advertising Agencies, they cite Media Matters, saying “A typical adult has potential daily exposure to about 600- 625 ads in any form”. This statistic shows that graphic designers need to work with businesses to create the best appeal, because people have a high exposure to so many other options. To succeed in graphic design, one needs to know what it takes to become a “graphic designer, the tools used in the process, and the skills necessary to do well so they can educate themselves in the many different aspects of design. The best way for a person to insure their success in graphic design is to start planning ahead. According to one article, “With an education, you meet your peers in the field” …show more content…

According to Rasmussen College, one is eligible for 1,000% more positions after earning a degree in graphic design than before. This raises the standards between designers, so an education is important if one aims to raise to the top. So that they stay applicable to their job, “designers need to continuously learn and develop formal concepts, methods, theory, and techniques” (“What Graphic”). Along with methods and concepts, graphic designers also “need to keep up to date with the latest software and computer technologies to remain competitive” (“What Graphic”). These new concepts and skills that the designer is learning and improving are the things that make their work preferred over another’s. One trait, though, that is harder for a designer to acquire is a passion for adventure. Having a job as a graphic designer “requires a love for adventure in a variety of design topics and projects” (Coleman Contributor). Being adventurous is more of a personality trait than a skill that is learned, so graphic designers who tend to be bolder in their work are favored. Even if a graphic designer tends to stay in one area of design instead of being adventurous in all, that is fine. In fact, graphic designers are often more engaged in one section of design than others. They do not have to do work in …show more content…

One of the most essential skills in graphic design is communication. A graphic designer “[needs] skills such as power to convince the audience and selling the design. Communication is a key part in graphic design” (“Graphic”). If a designer can not communicate with clients, then the end result might not be what was expected. Another valuable skill used for graphic design is knowing what is appropriate for the client or situation. According to the American Institute of Graphic Arts, “ A designer can learn methods through study or practice, but ultimately needs to know how to select, communicate, and execute appropriate methods for specific design problems” (Cezzar). Different clients and projects require different formats and styles, so one needs to know what is appropriate for the situation. A designer also needs to be flexible to fit with the client’s needs. Flexibility in work “is an occupational requirement. The good news is that you will always have your creative juices flowing. There is no telling where your creativity and talents will take you” (Contributor). A leading designer in the graphic design industry has flexibility to be able to work with many different clients, situations, and criteria. Even though “flexibility in projects is a necessity, you can also opt to specialize in specific mediums” (Contributor). An individual does is not required

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