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Key factor of academic success
Factors affecting time management
Factors affecting time management
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Recommended: Key factor of academic success
As a student, I believe that I have many strengths, but also some weaknesses that I need to work on. Personally, I think that I manage my time very well. I am very good at planning out when I will do assignments and how much time I will spend working on each of those assignment. Although sometimes I will plan too much for a certain amount of time and will not always be able to get it all done, so that is something I need to work on. Materialistically, my organization is not the best, but I am good at organizing my priorities and figuring out what I need to study for most, which leads into my study habits. My study habits are strong because I make sure that the time I am studying each day stays consistent, but there are times when I focus too much on a certain subject and then don’t pay attention to others that are also important, making me weak in those areas. Along with this, I think that my class work habits are pretty consistent, although there I times when I do get distracted. I don’t get distracted very often, so I usually take in information very well because I am good at paying attention. …show more content…
While in a discussion, I typically do not speak very much because I usually just intently listen to the others around me and silently agree or disagree with what they are saying. It is a lot easier for me to listen than to speak because I feel that I am taking in the information better that way. This also applies to when I am giving a presentation. When I am giving a presentation, I do not necessarily get nervous, but I usually do not like giving them because I would rather be taking in the information from someone other than myself. Reading aloud is fine, but I need to work on my participation in class discussions and my confidence in giving
School takes up a large portion of my time as it is, but I easily become distracted. When I arrive back home from school, my phone’s notifications are being checked, and all of a sudden an hour has gone by. While completing homework on the computer, I will open another tab and end up straying away from the assignment. In addition to that, my study habits could definitely be improved. Whether it be studying or doing homework, I always end up procrastinating. I would study the night before a quiz that I have known about for a week. Procrastination has been a thing I have done for years and I aim to stop doing
Though I had some strong points in my informative speech, I still feel there was a lot I could improve upon. I could not recognize any vocalized pauses but I noticed that at certain points of speech where I would transition from one point to another, I would push my glasses up. I don’t remember if this was because my glasses were actually slipping down or because I was nervous. Also, after watching my video, I found that in the beginning of the speech I was swaying a lot, but because I was standing behind the table it wasn’t that noticeable. The one major thing I would change is my choice to stand behind the table. It was something I did unconsciously and out of habit of usually speaking behind a podium, and I did not notice I did it until
During my demonstration speech, I was affected by my speech anxiety. Some of the viewable symptoms were the shaking of my hands and also the stuttering of speech. I was able to control myself and relax after I started getting into my information. I did use some of the suggested relaxation techniques to relieve my anxiety. Before I got up to speak I thought confident of myself to help give me courage and confidence.
Like everyone, I have weaknesses and strengths that relate to school. I am proficient in remembering things such as formulas, or definitions which I believe are the reason I take an understanding to math. I most unquestionably need to improve my habit of procrastinating I'm aware that this is the MAIN reason i haven't been doing the best I could have throughout my high school years thus far. I'm not stupid, I started my freshman year as a full ib myp student and had I not been lazy I would've accomplished way bigger, better than things by now rather than having to quit a sport due to my grades or having to attend summer school every summer for the last two years.
I have a great comfort in engaging others and find it easy to communicate with people. When in a group or engaging with someone one-on-one, I do not find it uncomfortable to engage in a conversation or start one. The strengths I possess in my engagement skills are that I am an extrovert, compassionate, and communicate effectively. However, I do need to work on not always starting a conversation and allowing others to talk first. I also need to improve on my listening skills instead of always feeling that I need to make a contribution to the conversation. Even though I am able to communicate effectively, I sometimes need to remember that others deserve a chance to start an
For the aforementioned reasons, there is no doubt that fears and shy had been controlled myself throughout the years. According to The People’s Almanac presents The Book of Lists by David Wallechinsky, Irving and Amy Wallace, one of the topic was titled “The 14 Worst Human Fears”, and the fear of speaking in public is the first fear of all fears (Richard I. Garber, 2009). This make me realized that it is perfectly normal to feel anxiety and fears to speak. Everyone, even an experienced speakers has some anxiety when speaking in front of a group of people. As for my experience and situation, I should have just fight the fears in me to throw my voice out asking questions in class otherwise I would might left behind a bit and need to struggle up for the subjects more than everyone does. Asking questions does not make you any stupid, it’s the source of
Making a successful public presentation or speech to an audience was a very big task for me before I joined the public speaking class. I was always frightened and very nervous. Since then I now understand the process of making a speech or a presentation including coming up with a topic and from this topic develop the main points of the speech, research, organize my points, revise them, edit and make a magnificent presentation to any audience. People in the audience might sometimes agree or disagree with my opinion or points, it was therefore necessary to communicate my information clearly to the audience without making any judgments since every person was entitled to a different opinion and views about things.
I like communicating with other people, and much of my life consists of me with my friends. Communicating with people is a good way to become social and comfortable around people. Public speaking is my least favorite part of communicating but I feel if I go into business, it will be one of the most important things to learn. If I have to give a big speech, it could be the first time several upper management bosses really hear what I have to say, and if I give a poor speech and look frightened, it could make them think I am incompetent and cannot communicate.
To do so, I must continue to understand my weaknesses, and strengths, of which I’ve become fully aware of while taking my required College Skills class here at Horry-Georgetown Technical College. For instance, I’ve found that one of my weaknesses is time management. Essentially, at times, I lose focus on utilizing certain points of my free time for necessary studying and doing assignments. Although I’ve learned that enjoying and relaxing is also necessary too during one’s college years, too much free time being wasted on relaxing is never good. It’s clearly all about that balance so many agree on!
Know your speech and do not rely solely on your notes. Do not read your speech verbatim glancing up every now and then. If you are reading your notes word for word to deliver your speech to your audience, in my experience, this is one of the quickest ways to disconnect and lose connection with them. By reading word for word your message you cannot increase the understanding of your message. As a listener in the audience, we want to feel spoken to in a direct and personal way not spoken at and/or
While the above characteristics work very well in my line of work, which I have proven, there is also a down side to it. I also match the characteristic which will cause me problems in class, unless I correct it. This is the taking of long tests or essays. I am terrible at this, and always have been. The solution to this problem is to apply another style of learning to this problem. I plan on applying the visual style the next time that I encounter this problem. Now that I know exactly what the problem is, I know that I can come to grips with it and apply the solution. When I follow through on with correcting this defect, it will have a tremendous impact on my life and business. There will be no limit as to the amount of success I will be able to achieve.
Throughout the semester I became a more confident public speaker. The first assignment that we had to do for our education class was to introduce our self. I practiced what I was going to say and how I was going to say it that weekend. However, when I got up to present my mind went completely blank. Throughout the course of the semester I learned what I need to have up with me when I present do that I do not blank on what I wanted to say. In the beginning when I got up to present my heart was racing and my hands were shaking. Now I make sure I breathe and tell myself that I know what I am going to talk about. So I still don’t talking in public but I feel more comfortable doing it. I need to work on being more confident when I have to present a topic. Talking to Mrs. Nealy after my mini lesson I have more confidence when I am talking about a math concept than any other topic. Throughout the semester my writing skills have greatly improved. The thing I need to work on is managing my time better so that I have more time to edit my papers.
Theories I learned in public speaking are in regular conversations, you get all lots of feedback and interest from the other person and in large group, and you get some or none at all. This really heightens all kinds of risks of being plain, confusing, or boring. You can easily avoid in normal conversation between just two people or a very small group who have the same interests. Also, it helps to remember that when people sit considerately without speaking, they are usually watching some sort of screen optimized to entertain them. So to ask a large, captive group to sit and listen to a speech is to make a very big demand, and you must use your time sparingly and wisely. It’s generally not the time for an argument. It is to provide an understanding and desire for the audience.
Sometimes we are indeed our own worst critic. Growing up I always struggled in certain areas of school. Seeing some of my peers excel almost effortlessly in school made me think that perhaps I just was not as smart as them. Along the way, I realized that was not true at all. It turns out we all have strengths and weaknesses. Although I struggled with math, I always did exceptionally well in English. I just had to figure out what I was not good at and spend a little extra time and effort in those areas. In addition to realizing that we may be good at some things and not so good at others, one must also consider their individual style of learning. We all think differently and have different ways of understanding and retaining information.