Strengths And Weaknesses In School

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Sometimes we are indeed our own worst critic. Growing up I always struggled in certain areas of school. Seeing some of my peers excel almost effortlessly in school made me think that perhaps I just was not as smart as them. Along the way, I realized that was not true at all. It turns out we all have strengths and weaknesses. Although I struggled with math, I always did exceptionally well in English. I just had to figure out what I was not good at and spend a little extra time and effort in those areas. In addition to realizing that we may be good at some things and not so good at others, one must also consider their individual style of learning. We all think differently and have different ways of understanding and retaining information.
Here I am over a decade later and I am still learning so much about myself and the way that I learn. A website named provides several useful tips for students and even online assessments that help you find out what your strengths and weaknesses are so that you can be a successful student. There are three different styles which included auditory, visual, and tactical. The test grades you in each of those areas and gives you a percentage for each, with the …show more content…

After reading the results I realized that I have all of the qualities of a visual learner, and I certainly agree with the results. I must see something, or at least make a mental picture of it in my head in order to understand it better. I am also very much attracted to things that are vibrant with color. Even when reading, I prefer to have stories that are so detailed and elaborate so that I am able to illustrate a picture of it all in my head. I am able to do this even if there are no images in the book. Usually when I am able to connect with things visually, I am more likely to remember them much

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