Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Research Paper

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Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Article
Anthony B Cortright Sr.
BCOM 275
August 18 Monday 2014
Dr. Robert Amason

Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Article
Some of the different considerations and the different roles that people would have in the audience are that they are not English and that whatever delivery method that you use needs to reflect that. If I were the person that had to give the speech to the families of the Chilean workers I would first make sure that I had someone there to make sure that they would be able to articulate what I am trying to say in their native tongue so that they all understand. The Chilean population is a wide variety of people so you have to do your research and see where the majority of the people are …show more content…

They would need to hear from the president of the company and or the president of the country that things are getting done promptly. But not only are you thinking about the workers that are trapped but you are thinking about the other employees that still have to show up for work the next day that are terrified that this will happen to them next. Explain to them that this will be looked into and safety is the first concern. Again talk about the safety record and knowing that it’s not a good one show what improvements have been made and what is in place and nature happens. Explain that sometimes nature takes a course and cannot be helped. Strong statement for families because that is definitely not what they want to hear but reinforce that statement with a type of persuasion where facts are undeniable. Never lie to the families and show remorse and empathy. For the families, the speaker needs to be strong. Confident in what he/she is saying with strong body language that just says, “Everything will be ok!” without whomever saying a word. Time is key as well, if you say too much it looks like you are stalling and you say to little it looks like you are hiding something. So your speech has to mesh together well so that you keep the worry down. I learned something from my dad that I live by and it’s that …show more content…

You would hate for a family to come back and say that they did not get a piece of information. Also before you give your speech it would be nice to have the President of Chile there to show the families and the people that this is a countries issue and that they care about the people and everything will be done to get them back. Have a team ready with questions that families might ask about the accident and be ready to answer them, such as the extent of the accident, how long do they have to live worst case, or even how it even happened. You do not want to be blindsided with all these in the middle of your speech because it will discredit you as to what’s going on, your lack of knowledge on the situation and will cause widespread panic. After your speech be ready for those questions by being confident in your responses. Have a follow up speech ready because of course this is a time sensitive situation. Even a,”we have one speech” that rest assures that they are working diligently to get the remaining

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